some good gaining pics

phatboy said:
LETS SEE A PIC BRO. even if you were jacked, you have messed up reasoning. the guy looks great. he looks better than many of us here. im sure he works his ass off and eats right. .

yeah lest see some pics
OLD TIMER you have to be the biggest idiot on the board. He's built very well and looks totally like a bodybuilder. If you like the big and blocky have bodybuilder confused with POWERLIFTER! Everytime you open your mouth shit falls out.
thanks a lot all u guys once again.and hey GOT FINA?, what does jabibi mean? i wasnt aware im one! and inked one, it really hurts a lot when people cast aspirations on ones integrity, what with all the ass tearing work ive done to get here and come up with these pics to show my effort. sorry man, but it really hurts.
old timer said:
its all about priority ...i have a wife and two kids. okay therefore i can't dedicate that much into bodybuilding as far as taking alot of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and slin and gh. that's fine with me...i'm happy with myself. see...that 's the whole point guys.....if ankur want to be a 'bodybuilder' that he better walk the walk...instead of just the talk.

You just said its completely healthy, so what is with the copout as to you "can't do it?"

You enjoy talking the talk but you can'twalk the walk? Maybe you shouldn't preach when you have no first hand experience beyond where this guy has gone. I want to know where you live that every person on the street looks like this guy, I live in California and I hardly ever see anyone remotely close to this size or conditioning.
hey asshole ole timer you are trying to put him down i think u jealous beatch you ulike his cuts but you dont like him cause of that, ankur looks good overall, and i dont know any1 average or average gymrat that looks like that yeah there are some but far from your average u dumbass ankur bhai u lookin good very nice cuts no gh belly LIKE MOST BODYBUILDERS right shit for brains ole timer show some balls and put one of ur pics, my predictions is that u fat or chubby, crizing is good but u sound like an asshole boy
old timer said:
looks OKAY. i mean what did you cycle with when you were bulking up.

you should have bulked up with at least 1000mg of test a week and some good dosages of tren and/or deca. and also you should have used insulin and hgh on the side. along with that you should have taken t3 and clen together when cutting, but also you should have just taken some high dosages of tren and Winstrol (winny). aside from that, you should have focused more on squats/front squats b/c you're quads are lagging. should expand your serratus/ rib cage. that would make you have that quality buff look on your chest. but it seems kinda flat.

i must admit you are in GOOD SHAPE but it's not freaky like most REAL bodybuilders.

tell me if you followed the stuff i mentioned above, if you didn't then that's why you look like the way you are THE AVERAGE GUY. don't be offended b/c i'm giving you my honest opinion

There's only one point to be made here.........if the "first thing" you think about when it comes to BBing is a "specific drug regimen" then you're plain & simply a complete fucking MORON!!
did old timer shut the fuck up yet?

good....been a couple of months....i would seriously KILL someone...even strangle a dolphin, to get the legs Ankur does haha...

but im for real...,

Where's Flipper....

Oh my tuna
kosherfried mate, thanks a lot. i again appreciate watever good that has been said of me. if the truth be known, such comments are really all the drugs that i need for massive growth...
old timer said:
looks OKAY. i mean what did you cycle with when you were bulking up.

you should have bulked up with at least 1000mg of test a week and some good dosages of tren and/or deca. and also you should have used insulin and hgh on the side. along with that you should have taken t3 and clen together when cutting, but also you should have just taken some high dosages of tren and Winstrol (winny). aside from that, you should have focused more on squats/front squats b/c you're quads are lagging. should expand your serratus/ rib cage. that would make you have that quality buff look on your chest. but it seems kinda flat.

i must admit you are in GOOD SHAPE but it's not freaky like most REAL bodybuilders.

tell me if you followed the stuff i mentioned above, if you didn't then that's why you look like the way you are THE AVERAGE GUY. don't be offended b/c i'm giving you my honest opinion.
Looks like "the" Oldtimers eye sight is going ,

I cannot beleive what i just read , not for the fact he was cutting this guy down but for what else he has wrote>???

1st of all do you even know what he has taken ? 1000mgs LMAO you really think a 1000mgs is the answer you havent a clue ,
2nd you dont need t3 to compete FACT,
3rd his quads are surely not his weak point and are NOT laggin what so ever, 4th expanding rib cage doeant happen in a workout nor does it happen in a year , it takes years upon years ,
5th he looks for from a NORMAL regular guy,
and finally 6th im now calling you out to post a pic of yoself , if he is some NORMAL smoe to you then surely you must have an amazing flawless phsyique.
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Oh and one more thing OLDTIMER if you think high dosages build a physique your just a wanna be ass kissing BB who tells tons of tales of how he was this and that , i know your kind my gym has a few , pathetic wastes of time thats all they really are.
ankur said:
...i dont want to be olympia or universe or somethin, being a national player will do for me. and as for drugs, the max i took while bulkin was 25 mg dianabol without anything else. i took loads of protein tho...and ill definitely not wear pink again!

hey bro

great pix - ya def. kick my ass - thx 4 the motivation :)

IMHO only (constructive criticism)

Nice quads, arms (is the left a lil bigger than the right or is that just the lighting?), pecs, abs look ok (what's your BF% in that pic? not saying ya didn't produce but wondering if u could get a lil more shredded 4 a contest?)

your back looks as if it's (lagging a lil) behind the rest of ya (pun intended), didn't get a good peek @ your hams & calves though (as in a full back shot)

& thx 4 dumping the pink tights - def. the weakest part of the shot (lol)

again, damn solid, good results bro - thx 4 putting it out there :)

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Vander V said:
Oh and one more thing OLDTIMER if you think high dosages build a physique your just a wanna be ass kissing BB who tells tons of tales of how he was this and that , i know your kind my gym has a few , pathetic wastes of time thats all they really are.

Looks like Vander just put you in your place old timer! :destroy:
azrail mate
thanks a lot for the criticism. i know abs look weaker in the pics, but if u notice i have written with the pics that these ones are a month or so after my state comp and i had really gained lot of fat by then. i have posted another thread where u can look at the cuttin pics. and yes, i didnt photograf my calves, cos they are definitely weak! (remember arnold used to stand in knee deep water for his shoots cos his calves were weak too initially
The pics show that he is clearly in good shape, with good definition and decent muscularity. Of course he could add some pounds, but who amongst us isn't seeking that as well? Keep training and improving!
hi mppm
thanks for compliments on both my body and my command on the english language. the reason for the latter is that i hold a masters degree in english literature and am teaching english at the university level. so my english better be good for my own sake!