some good gaining pics

average guy needs to not take it too personally.

what i meant was that you're in bodybuilding. so you might as well look like a bodybuilder? okay, fine don't give me the damn escuse on genetics. using a combination of gh/slin with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) can definitely make you better than what you are now. i didn't insult you...if i did i'd say you'd look like shit...but you don't. yeah you're in shape..take it as a compliment. ofcourse, there's criticism.


raise up your test to 1000mg/week. your tren to 100mg/eod

take gh with slin at the same time. the dosages you decide.

YOU WILL DEFINITELY IMPROVE. yeah this assclown is giving you on honest opinion and not kissing your ass. you don't even have one.
Looking good bro, but lower back need improvement, heavy deadlifts :)

To the asshole: Lets se some pictures of u, the big one. LOL
oh really...?

bodybuilders take that much amount of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and gh and slin and even what makes you think that someone is going to die.

c'mon now ...think about it and ask yourself...what are the pro's taking...and why are they still alive? there ya go kid.
problem with taking criticism

its all about priority ...i have a wife and two kids. okay therefore i can't dedicate that much into bodybuilding as far as taking alot of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and slin and gh. that's fine with me...i'm happy with myself. see...that 's the whole point guys.....if ankur want to be a 'bodybuilder' that he better walk the walk...instead of just the talk. but if he just wants to look all fit and neatty then hey...there's nothing wrong with that.

get the moral of the story here? you think criticism is bad..whether it's contructive or not.

get a grip guys...i'm telling this guy what to take if he wants to look like a pro. there's nothing wrong with that. everyones goal in the back of their head is to look like a bodybuilder..the freakish ones. just admit it. but still, they cover it up with escuses like ''yeah that's too big and ugly"....yeah right.
grow ankur grow

that is the correct amount to take for his amount of genetics too.

his frame is small and muscle attachments are fairly short.

let's say for example, if you were a german guy, and big boned with long muscle attachments...sure you can get away with 250mg/week of test and grow like a monster. but with this guy....i don't think so.

he needs all the shit he can get.

so why not take the advise and grow ankur.
i dont know why is everyone getting so upset about. he said what he said and thats it. thats his opinion,its fairly free world :)

ankur,you are looking REALLY good :)
just lose the pink trunks hehe :)
ok old timer, u got that right i m a punjabi. where u from? which indians do u know?hope ASSCLOWN didnt offend u, its only that i just wont take that amount of gear, cos i got other priorities too , i dont want to be olympia or universe or somethin, being a national player will do for me. and as for drugs, the max i took while bulkin was 25 mg dianabol without anything else. i took loads of protein tho, so, maybe u mean my good, but i dnt think ill do that much. thanks fo the criticism tho. and rules bro, u gotta see some great indian bodybuilders like prasad kumar and manjit singh, as i said, im tryin to get hold of pics of them. and ill definitely not wear pink again!
old timer said:
bodybuilders take that much amount of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and gh and slin and even what makes you think that someone is going to die.

c'mon now ...think about it and ask yourself...what are the pro's taking...and why are they still alive? there ya go kid.

you have absolutely no idea what amounts and what drugs he's taking now, so how can you recommend how much he should do? It also depends on his goals, if you want to go pro, then you need the crazy doses(thats the boat I am in), but not everyone has the same goals...he may, but it helps to know these things before ripping him apart.
And I just noticed the racial slurs, we dont accept that shit around here, so either knock off the racial shit, or your ass is banned. And for a guy that claims to know what a bodybuilder needs, what exactly is your bodybuilding background?
food for thought....


10 weeks of test @ 1000mg/week
w/ 8 weeks of anadrol @ 150mg/day

10 weeks of tren acet. @ 150mg/day
w/10 weeks of winn @ 100mg/day
w/ t3 & clen

i did these two cycle back and forth since 1 year ago and i definitely have changed into a different person. as for doctor visits, as in everything has give and takes, i do have to watch out for what i eat so my chol. doesn't go throught the roof. but hey those are my look big and freaky.

so yeah anyother other questions?

people dont' die from doing this...but they do experience harsh side effects if not handled properly. so what? ooo big deal...i know people who try to stay away from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but even though they're natural they get kidney and liver problems anyways.

' no guts no glory'.

food for thought: everyones gonna bite the dust might as well look good anyways.
old timer said:

10 weeks of test @ 1000mg/week
w/ 8 weeks of anadrol @ 150mg/day

10 weeks of tren acet. @ 150mg/day
w/10 weeks of winn @ 100mg/day
w/ t3 & clen

i did these two cycle back and forth since 1 year ago and i definitely have changed into a different person. as for doctor visits, as in everything has give and takes, i do have to watch out for what i eat so my chol. doesn't go throught the roof. but hey those are my look big and freaky.

so yeah anyother other questions?

people dont' die from doing this...but they do experience harsh side effects if not handled properly. so what? ooo big deal...i know people who try to stay away from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but even though they're natural they get kidney and liver problems anyways.

' no guts no glory'.

food for thought: everyones gonna bite the dust might as well look good anyways.

so this qualifies you as an expert now, I would love to see some pics then to see exactly how this cycle approach changed your physique so much... Just seems kinda funny, myself I am 5'8" and 260lbs, and dont come across with half the attitude you do

did i say i was an expert? no...i'm sure it's novice compared to what PROS are taking. but at least it's not minimum gains such as taking lightly of test/deca crap cycles.

i haven't even done slin/gh thats means i'm not an expert ...what about u? where's your pics?
old timer said:
did i say i was an expert? no...i'm sure it's novice compared to what PROS are taking. but at least it's not minimum gains such as taking lightly of test/deca crap cycles.

i haven't even done slin/gh thats means i'm not an expert ...what about u? where's your pics?

heres me at 230lbs(I currently weigh 260lbs), and another one in contest shape, so I would say I obviously know what I am talking about, and I still dont have your attitude(ankur, sorry to hijack your thread)
you are good young grasshopper...but ....

sorry to get off subject ..yeah you're damn good....but what happened to your ass, do you have one? in reference to pic 2.

anyways what do you do for your triceps...since they are prob. the best part of your bod.? i bet you do bench dips? i mean what's the main mass exercise? sorry this should be in another forum but just got to know whats inside of pandora's box?