some good gaining pics

i dont mind the thread being taken over, needsize, but this conversation going on is useless.and ur damn right about the goals part, theyre certainly not as high as urs, so i wont take that much gear. so i hope thats an end to this thread. thanks for comin, old timer.
old timer said:
looks OKAY. i mean what did you cycle with when you were bulking up.

you should have bulked up with at least 1000mg of test a week and some good dosages of tren and/or deca. and also you should have used insulin and hgh on the side. along with that you should have taken t3 and clen together when cutting, but also you should have just taken some high dosages of tren and Winstrol (winny). aside from that, you should have focused more on squats/front squats b/c you're quads are lagging. should expand your serratus/ rib cage. that would make you have that quality buff look on your chest. but it seems kinda flat.

i must admit you are in GOOD SHAPE but it's not freaky like most REAL bodybuilders.

tell me if you followed the stuff i mentioned above, if you didn't then that's why you look like the way you are THE AVERAGE GUY. don't be offended b/c i'm giving you my honest opinion.

Don't be a fucking ass. Real bodybuilder. When the fuck did bodybuilding become about being freaky.

Get a life.

You look great mate. You look a whole lot bigger than 79kg.

Keep up the good work, your on the right path.

Good luck.
thanks a lot prl! sure BB is not about being freaky. there used to be someone called Frank Zane once....
ankur said:
i dont mind the thread being taken over, needsize, but this conversation going on is useless.and ur damn right about the goals part, theyre certainly not as high as urs, so i wont take that much gear. so i hope thats an end to this thread. thanks for comin, old timer.

btw, I got so irritated by the racist shit, I forgot to mention you have a very solid physique, especially quads and arms(abs are weak though), definitely a lot of potential
old timer said:
looks OKAY. i mean what did you cycle with when you were bulking up.

you should have bulked up with at least 1000mg of test a week and some good dosages of tren and/or deca. and also you should have used insulin and hgh on the side. along with that you should have taken t3 and clen together when cutting, but also you should have just taken some high dosages of tren and Winstrol (winny). aside from that, you should have focused more on squats/front squats b/c you're quads are lagging. should expand your serratus/ rib cage. that would make you have that quality buff look on your chest. but it seems kinda flat.

i must admit you are in GOOD SHAPE but it's not freaky like most REAL bodybuilders.

tell me if you followed the stuff i mentioned above, if you didn't then that's why you look like the way you are THE AVERAGE GUY. don't be offended b/c i'm giving you my honest opinion.

wow..what a load of horseshit..telling someone to use 1g of test without even knowing his goals/cycle history is just plain dumb..the man posted pics and i think he looks great..saying he isnt a "real" bb'er why cuz he doesnt have a distended gut and doesnt weight 270..if it were that easy there would be a lot more Coleman's running around..

No way he is "average" sorry but i think your perception is a little warped :insane2:
needsize said:
sure I have an ass, I'm in a 3/4 pose.
Tris are close grip bench and weighted bar dips

What are you doing?

This guy is waste of your time. Don't justify his existance by talking to him.
holy crap.... what a joke....

that guy he gave advise to is probably in better shape than 90% of the ppl posting on this board.

and we wonder why newbies post their first cycles with like 5 different steroids...

Shit... lets just take everything at once so we can all look like "REAL bodybuilders"
old timer said:
yeah this assclown is giving you on honest opinion and not kissing your ass. you don't even have one.

old timer said:
sorry to get off subject ..yeah you're damn good....but what happened to your ass, do you have one?

enjoy male asses?

:spank: :gay2:
Dude your looking aswome dont listen to what this moron has to say.

The only think i could think of that could justify this stupid remark is jealousy. I bet u if he put his pic up you would rip him a new asshole...

Your the biggest looking Jabibi ive ever seen. If the Taliban start looking like u the US is in trouble.....Promise us u wont tell them how to get like that....LMAO JK....

Keep up the good work u look great....
What Old Timer write is not even worth spending time to read. He must certainly be the most stupid person on this board. Do we really nee people like him here???
Don't think so!
your not average bro.. you look great.

just ignore the horseshit comments... no need to up the drugs so quick
Everyone knows that to be a real body builder, you need to take massive doses!!

I love it. Hey Old Timer, just a question.... you do realise that people staert at one point and end at another, but in between there is a transition, right?
Do you thik that he shot up and woke up looking like that the next day based on what he took? It takes alot of time, jackass.
but with the type of training that he stated and the lowwww dosages....that equals the growth that could've had more potential to it.

i'm not trying to bag on the guy.. i'm trying to tell him whats up.

and yes there's a transition....but obviously that transition will take 50 yrs at the type of training and supplimentation he's doing.
old timer said:
but with the type of training that he stated and the lowwww dosages....that equals the growth that could've had more potential to it.

i'm not trying to bag on the guy.. i'm trying to tell him whats up.

and yes there's a transition....but obviously that transition will take 50 yrs at the type of training and supplimentation he's doing.

LETS SEE A PIC BRO. even if you were jacked, you have messed up reasoning. the guy looks great. he looks better than many of us here. im sure he works his ass off and eats right. .