Started my cycle today - Before pictures!!!

cubanojoe said:
13 pounds in 16 days, most of that is just water weight that you are going to loose when you stop. It is what you keep after your cycle that counts.

do you ever have anything positive to say?
cubanojoe said:
13 pounds in 16 days, most of that is just water weight that you are going to loose when you stop. It is what you keep after your cycle that counts.

Nothing wrong with a little water weight.. :)
StoneColdNTO said:
Ya know.....this is probably gonna hurt, but you have absolutely NO BUSINESS doing a cycle right now.

You guys just amaze me, thinking steroids are some magic potion. Why don't you concentrate on actually training for a few years. Do that, add in a good diet and you'll make plenty of gains.

glad you said it
haha shit ppl start juicing for nothing now, morons but hell it aint my body.

Good luck, but hey, you serously dont think youve gained that much muscle in 2 weeks? Youll be in for a shock post cycle....
Update, I got off my cycle a little over a week ago, my final weight was 186lbs, I'm in my PTC phase right now and holding the weight well, 184lbs to 185lbs depending on the day.
I took pics on the last day of my cycle, I'll post them in a few weeks when I get back from Brazil.

Looking lean on the pics, I'd say about 8%. You could use some more size tho' mate. Look forward to seeing updated ones......

looking good bro! i understand about burning so many calories in BJJ.
i train under Jacare , but im not yet your caliper grappler, still just a blue belt
vader said:
looking good bro! i understand about burning so many calories in BJJ.
i train under Jacare , but im not yet your caliper grappler, still just a blue belt

His calibur????????...He is just a big kidding bro....Where the pics of the new you??? I know your back from Brazil...Quit hidding from me, Im not that scary.
StoneColdNTO said:
Ya know.....this is probably gonna hurt, but you have absolutely NO BUSINESS doing a cycle right now.

You guys just amaze me, thinking steroids are some magic potion. Why don't you concentrate on actually training for a few years. Do that, add in a good diet and you'll make plenty of gains.
I concur :)
Alright I'm back fellas!!!
No, i was on the novaldex fase of my PTC wile I was in Brazil.
Anyhow, I'm back and the pictures will be up soon. I only got one or two pics because my camera died on me the day I took them, fucking sucks!
So, started my cycle at 172lbs, got up to 185lbs, went on vacation and came back at 180/181lbs.
Back in the gym now;)



vader said:
looking good bro! i understand about burning so many calories in BJJ.
i train under Jacare , but im not yet your caliper grappler, still just a blue belt

Cool bro, how long you been training?

Take care
If I was on a cycle I would want to gain more weigth, but considering you stayed so lean I guess you made a good job. You gained almost 10 lbs of muscle. Congrats.
Thanks man. I did a mild cycle, nothing to get crazy results, I didn't wanted to get to bloated or gain any much fat.
I was happy with what I got. My final go is to be around 190lbs lean.
