Started my cycle today - Before pictures!!!

apex said:
Sounds like someone is on sherdog too much.

I will attest to this guy being a damn, damn, damn good grappler. He is a bjj black belt under the Gracies, Which is extremely hard to do. And runs a top notch BJJ school. He is a world class calibur grappler.
big-tymer said:
Train your calfs 3 times a week bro, They so need some catching up to do!! large. Keep it up comming along!

I know bro, my calves suck!!! I've been doing them 3 days a week, along with my forearms 3 days a week. What can I say, bad Calves genes;)
Swoleburn said:
I will attest to this guy being a damn, damn, damn good grappler. He is a bjj black belt under the Gracies, Which is extremely hard to do. And runs a top notch BJJ school. He is a world class calibur grappler.

;) You know it!!!!
Thanks for the props big dog.
I really don't think you need drugs. You need FOOD!!!!
im in the same boat as you dude but i gained about 30 pounds in the past year from hard training and eating every hour and a half im 6'2 and 212 lbs,its tough, you shouldnt rely on juice for gains until your packen more mass
cubanojoe said:
working out for a month and already doing a cycle. Will these young kids never learn!!!!

I don't think so man, Everyone wants to be huge yesterday.

I myself hold the *sigh* someday attitude.

Buddy does need to eat like a pig though. IMO
StoneColdNTO said:
Ya know.....this is probably gonna hurt, but you have absolutely NO BUSINESS doing a cycle right now. Lifting for a whole month....lmfao !!

You guys just amaze me, thinking steroids are some magic potion. Why don't you concentrate on actually training for a few years. Do that, add in a good diet and you'll make plenty of gains.

StoneColdNTO said:
Ya know.....this is probably gonna hurt, but you have absolutely NO BUSINESS doing a cycle right now.
I agree. You were starting to regain from muscle memory and jumped back "on". But, in the end it's your choice. Good Luck!
***Quick Update***

One week on my cycle and diet today. Was 172lbs last sunday and 178.5lbs today!!! Gain 6.5 puonds in the first week!
I weight myself first thing in the morning after going to the john as usual;)

Later guys
Make sure you post progress pics like evry 2 weeks or so! I was considering a similar cycle for my first so I want to see what it does for you....
***Quick Update***

Two weeks and two days in to my cycle and I'm now up to 185lbs as of this morning.
13 pounds in 16 days, not bad I have to say;)

I'll have pictuers next sunday on my third week update.

Later guys
13 pounds in 16 days, most of that is just water weight that you are going to loose when you stop. It is what you keep after your cycle that counts.