Starting cycle b4 pics, plz critique ASAP


New member
Hey im starting a cycle of test cyp, and eq, for 12 weeks, i was planning on doing bulking,, but now that i look at myself im kinda fat so can i cut with this cycle or shud i just bulk and then do cardio after my cycle to cut down? Stats are 6'2" and 203 lbs.
age, experience...

im 21, i just finished a cycle of deca and test cyp at christmas time. Been lifting for like 2 years consistently now .. i just wana know by the judgement of the pics though ..
Any blood work after your last cycle? As for your body, looks like you have a ton of room to grow, naturally even. 200 pounds at 6 foot 3 isn't that heavy at all. I would definitely look at your diet and think about making adjustments.
So then , its ok to do this bulk cycle then ? my diet might need some adjustment ya i guess .. i usually just eat stake for lunch, eggs for breakfast, and another 2 or 3 meals with white breast chiken, and 2 protein shakes a day so i dono ??
I would definitely get your diet straightened out before starting your cycle. Once you start eating properly and taking in quality calories you may be surprised how well you can still grow without AAS. But even if you do run the cycle, by making the necessary adjustments to your diet you will reap the benefits.
I hate when stupid people put ASAP in the thread title when there is no urgency at all. It's judging pics, what the hell is the hurry??

Stay natty, get your diet in check, do cardio, period.
laffytaffy said:
im 21, i just finished a cycle of deca and test cyp at christmas time. Been lifting for like 2 years consistently now .. i just wana know by the judgement of the pics though ..

really if i saw you on the street i wouldn't even thing you did a cycle. i would expect more from some one who cycled. i think you should heed the advice given by everyone else. get your diet dialed in and work on getting your BF down a lil futher train for atleast another yr or 2 natty and then do that cycle. just MHO.
Thanks for the comments evryone, i think im just gona finish off this cycle since i started it and already paid for the shit n everything! Im hopin to get to about 230 lbs , and then cut down hardore to 200 lean muscle . ...
you can still stop and save everything you have... I did my first cycle when I was 6' 240lbs. No offense but you dont even have any biceps. Just focus, I know you want take a shortcut but just hold on...
so shud i just save my stuff.... it doesnt have an expiry date... u think it will be good to let it sit for another 6 months. I already flipped off the tops .. ??
hoenslty poeple always seem to set their genetic max so low....I say get as big as you can get naturally and then decide if you really wnat to get bigger w\gear
laffytaffy said:
so shud i just save my stuff.... it doesnt have an expiry date... u think it will be good to let it sit for another 6 months. I already flipped off the tops .. ??

Yes, it will be fine. It will last for years and years.
I agree that you should do it natural. You need a more solid base to start using AAS. That will help to learn during that previous time to train and eat properly. I'm natural and will not touch a roid until I'm 180 lbs (I'm 5'8). Good luck.
u'll be surprised on how well you can improve natrually jsut from a good diet and a good work out your money and body..