Starting cycle b4 pics, plz critique ASAP

laffytaffy said:
Hey im starting a cycle of test cyp, and eq, for 12 weeks, i was planning on doing bulking,, but now that i look at myself im kinda fat so can i cut with this cycle or shud i just bulk and then do cardio after my cycle to cut down? Stats are 6'2" and 203 lbs.

start a workout jouranl in the jouranl section. thatll do you more good than those drugs you taking.

too many guys taking drugs that are weak. get strong first then add drugs if you gonna juice. i can tell by your pics that you aint no moving no heavy weight. you are doing yourself a disservice by going about this thing back assward.

no disrespect meant, just telling it like it is.
Beef I don't like the split because I would never train 5 days in a row period. I would probably never even to 3 days in a row. I think it's best to be out of the gym as many days as you are in.
YOU NEED TO DO NOTHING BUT EAT!!! Don't take this the wrong way but don't be that guy who looks like 10lbs of shit in a 5lbs bag and number 2....don't say you're going to fire-up a test-e cycle,that's ludacris.IMO i think if you use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) people should always be questioning you use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) because if you aren't being questioned than you aren't training properely or eating properely.I think your split should be very basic and not advanced at all,I'll give you an example.monday-squats-hack squat-standing calf raises-straight bar curl-dumbell curl. WEDS-bench press-incline press-milatary press-lat raises-weighted dips. FRI-deadlifts-lat pulldown-low row-leg curls-upright row.Stick to the basics!Also...workouts should take no longer than 50 mins and do abs a foundation then you can cut and the most important thing will be your diet because if I had to guess it looks like you've been on the double chubby cheeseburger diet...NO OFFENSE.Best of luck!
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