Starting cycle b4 pics, plz critique ASAP

adidamps2 said:
really if i saw you on the street i wouldn't even thing you did a cycle. i would expect more from some one who cycled. i think you should heed the advice given by everyone else. get your diet dialed in and work on getting your BF down a lil futher train for atleast another yr or 2 natty and then do that cycle. just MHO.

I agree with this. I'm tired of seeing people juice when they don't look like the've ever lifted weights! The rule should be that you can't cycle unless you walk into a room and everyone knows you lift no questions asked.
Like the rest of the guys said, wait. Good thing i bailed out on my cycle.

No offense, but i look leaner and more defined than you without touching the weights for 4 months.

Hit that cardio hard
ya but if i hit cardio hard ill lose weight and muscle and then be pinner again ... or well haha even more pinner i shud say .. .
cardio wont make you lose muscle as long as you train right an d diet right. it will help shed that extra layer of blubber and let your muscles POP out.
Bro you still got alot of improving to do before introducing the chemicals.Sort your eating ,training and recovery out first.You should be able to get to 230 pounds natural and not look like a sumo wrestler but a decent bodybuilder.Concentrrate on the big lifts like dead lifts etc etc make sure you dont spend to much time in the gym as you cant train long and hard at the same time,you grow away from the gym.Then when the time comes to get on the sauce you will look damm more impressive with a natural base thatyou have started with. :)
if i were u i would save that cycle u have for later in life. if u feel like ur test levels are low then go see an endocrinologist. if they say u are ok then eat eat eat and train train train. stick to the basics of bbing b4 going to an advance level when u are not even novice. looks to me like all u need is some dedication in the gym and to a good diet. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is nothing magical, u need to learn to work hard and have dedication b4 going that route.
laffytaffy said:
Thanks for the comments evryone, i think im just gona finish off this cycle since i started it and already paid for the shit n everything! Im hopin to get to about 230 lbs , and then cut down hardore to 200 lean muscle . ...[/QUOTE

you think youll look lean at 200 lbs? hahahaha good luck post picks when it happens
This has to be the most ridiculious post I have ever read. I mean shit like this makes me laugh literally. I think the only post made on this whole thread that had any since to it was made by Little Guy.

So let me get this straight. You want to run a cycle for 12 weeks to bulk up, then you want to get off completely and cut down. That doesn't make one bit of sense to me. I mean, your either on or you off. Still to this day I have never seen one steroid that would cause you to lose bodyfat. I know a lot of steroids make you hold more water than others. But I have never discovered one that makes you loose fat.

If I was you I would study a whole lot more before I did juice. I am not one of those ones that believe that you must train 2-3 years natural before you touch anything, that is your choice. But your knowledge on juice is below elementary. If you did the cycle you mentioned above you would loose a lot of that fat you have in those pics AS LONG AS YOUR DIET AND TRAINING IS RIGHT. The juice is only supplementation. The other factors must still be in place (training, diet, cardio, etc).

Before you ask any of us to help you any further with your cycle, will you please post your training routine? Post your diet as well. Be honest. If your not honest, we can't help you. No one is going to give you any shit if you eat fried chicken all day, so don't be afraid to post whatever you eat. We need to know in order to help you. So please post how you train and how you currently eat. I don't give a shit if you drink beer all day. Be honest. Then we will go from there.

Oh and since your thread was titled ASAP, I expect you to ASAP your regimen over.
OK my diet for this cycle is
brkfst - omelete and fruit
mid morning- white meat chicken with rice
noon - steak and salad
mid afternoon - protein shake
evening- tuna wrap
night time- protein shake


Monday - shoulders and bis
Tuesday- chest traps
Thursday-back, tris
Friday shoulders, bis
Saturday off
Sunday- chest traps

I try to follow this as best as i can but sometimes my schedule for work and school and stuff is very hectic so on the odd occasion ill miss breakfast or a meal here and there.
laffytaffy said:

Monday - shoulders and bis
Tuesday- chest traps
Thursday-back, tris
Friday shoulders, bis
Saturday off
Sunday- chest traps

were the fuck is legs???
why are you hitting bi's 3 times a week (2 bi sessions and 1 back day=3 times)
you're hitting tri's 5 times a week (2 shoulder days 2 chest days 1 direct tri day)
and only back once a week (hard i hope, and mildly hit it on shoulders daysdepending on exercise selections)...
you need to figure out how to set up a split. because for what i can tell this is horrible. especially since you have no leg routine in here. are you a parapalidgic (sp)? if your going to juice take advantage of the growth your gonna get from hitting legs.

that looks like a typical "beach body" routine all upper body mostly chest and arms NO LEGS.

i have no comments on your diet as i am not a diet guy. but for what i can tell it's not eneough. esp if your gonna be "ON".
laffytaffy said:
OK my diet for this cycle is
brkfst - omelete and fruit
mid morning- white meat chicken with rice
noon - steak and salad
mid afternoon - protein shake
evening- tuna wrap
night time- protein shake


Monday - shoulders and bis
Tuesday- chest traps
Thursday-back, tris
Friday shoulders, bis
Saturday off
Sunday- chest traps

I try to follow this as best as i can but sometimes my schedule for work and school and stuff is very hectic so on the odd occasion ill miss breakfast or a meal here and there.

First off, you need more carbs in your diet if you want to fuel your training. That is way to low carb. I would do something like this:

Morning: Protein shake blended with a cup of oatmeal
Mid morning: Chicken breast sandwich on wheat bread
Lunch: Lean steak and 1 cup of brown rice
Mid afternoon: Protein Shake
Dinner: Chicken or beef, salad or broccoli
Before bed: Protein Shake with 2 tbsp of flaxseed oil

I have listed all low GI complex carbs in your diet. These are slow burning carbs that will give you sustained energy through out the day and not cause a huge spike in insulin levels. I have listed your first 3 meals with these carbs so that way you can get them in first and then slowly deplete as the day goes on and into the night. If you can try and train after meal 3. This way you have enough energy for training. Then your training will utilize your gylcogen stores (from the carbs) and burn them up. Then when you don't ingest anymore carbs after training (the last 3 meals) your body should use your bodyfat for any other energy expidentures. This way you should loose bodyfat and you slowly carb deplete. The diet you had listed above would make you feel like shit. I don't see how you could possibly train. Carbs are not evil. Its all about how you time them. But they do belong in a diet.

Now for your Training. I see a lot of things here I do not like. If I were you I would train 5 days a week hiting each bodypart. I find that this split works best for me anyways. I find that if I hit chest, I usually don't have enough left in the tank to finish up a triceps workout. Well, I could finish up a tricep workout, I just couldn't hit it as hard as I could if I trained it separtely.

I don't see legs in your workout. Why? Its like this man. The more muscle you have on your fram, the leaner you will be. When you train legs, it tends to make the rest of the body grow better. It's also a good "cardio" workout, in a sense. So you are going to have to train legs. There are no ifs, ands, of buts around that. Man up.

By training delts before chest, your going to be weaker on chest day. Delt training involves your delts, and your triceps. Chest training calls for these two as well. To get the most out of your chest training, you need to have these two as fresh as possible.

Quit this training a bodypart twice a week. This will only slow your gains in the gym. Give the muscle as long as possible to rest. This is why I advocate a week between bodyparts. This is the split I like best:

Monday: Chest, and calves
Tuesday: Back, and forearms optional
Wednesday: Quads and Hams
Thursday: Delts, Traps, and calves
Friday: Arms
Sat. off
Sun. off

I like to do 3-4 exercises for each muscle group. Three to four sets each, 8-12 reps. Go mainly with barbell and db exercises. Save the machines for the end when you hardly have any gas left in the tank.

Perform cardio 3 times a week @ 20 minutes per session, then move up to 30. This will not mess up your muscle growth. Training chest, delts, and traps twice a week will. And not training legs.

Personally I don't think Cyp and Eq is much of a bulking cycle. Cyp is a powerful anabolic that can provide you with great gains. It will not fatten you up as long as your diet is in place. It may make you hold water, but take a good anti e like aromasin. Aromasin unlike other anti-e's has no bad affect on your cholesterol/lipid profile. Eq is a great anabolic that will help you with nice lean gains. I would recomend 400mgs a week of eq, and 500-600mgs a week of cyp. I don't know how long you plan on running this cycle but I would recommend you run it for a good while. It can take eq a while to work. The longer I stay on ,the better gains I get. I have been on for a year straight and had no problem getting back my natural test levels.

If you stick to the plan I have laid out for you above you should get great lean gains.

Good luck, stick with everything as laid out above and post some more pics in 6 weeks and you should find a noticeable difference in your physiqe.
Beefeater what the fuck are you doing encouraging this kid who probably shouldn't be cycling at all to stay on for up to a year? And yes his split sucks, and though the one you gave him is much better, it is still imo a shitty split. Why train 5 days in a row with 3 days cardio mixed in?
laffytaffy said:

Monday - shoulders and bis
Tuesday- chest traps
Thursday-back, tris
Friday shoulders, bis
Saturday off
Sunday- chest traps

I try to follow this as best as i can but sometimes my schedule for work and school and stuff is very hectic so on the odd occasion ill miss breakfast or a meal here and there.

Your workout split is horrible. You need to spend some time reading the stickys at the training forum.
Also read the stickys at the stickys at teh diet forum.

You're very lucky that you found this forum and people is giving you advice. So be smart and listen to them. Good luck.
LiftTillIDie said:
Beefeater what the fuck are you doing encouraging this kid who probably shouldn't be cycling at all to stay on for up to a year? And yes his split sucks, and though the one you gave him is much better, it is still imo a shitty split. Why train 5 days in a row with 3 days cardio mixed in?

Why do you think it is a shitty split?

The reason why I find it very effective is because I am at my strongest on all movements this way. Lets say for instance I train Chest and Triceps. This is what a possible workout may look like:

Bench Press
Incline Db press
Pec Deck
Cable crossovers
Close grip bench
Lying ext

This is just an example. After I have hammered chest I am usually pretty damned tired. So when I move into triceps I won't be able to perform the amount of weight on those exercises that I could if I trained them on their on day. See what I am saying? I have used this routine for years and it packs on the most muscle and strength. For me anyway. I promise this works. I have tried every other routine out there and this is the one that works the best. Usually other people I train with in the gym go with this routine after training with me. The like it a lot better as well because their strength goes up. When strength goes up, muscle size is being put on. As long as your working in the 8-12 rep repetition range.

I am not encouraging him to stay on for a year, I have never favored the 12 week cycles. I think it is a total waste of time. I think it is zig zaggin to come on and off, on and off. I think the body does need a break from things from time to time, but not after 3 months. I think as long as you get regular blood work done (every 3 months) and have proper check ups then stay on. Every well known bodybuilding trainer and well known guru has tought me the same. These aren't my theories, but I tend to stick with what makes most sense. I don't think he should stay on a year, but like I said above, either your on or your off. I just think he should stay on a little longer than 12 weeks. But that is his choice.

I like to train mid afternoon, then perform cardio either first thing in the morning, after my training, or at night. Just as long as I get in 20-30 minutes 3 times a week. I do this for two reasons. I find that it keeps my cholesterol and blood pressure down, and I find that it keeps excess bodyfat to a minimum. Plus, it somewhat keeps you breathing better as well.

I have also found this kind of split works well for newbies and advanced. He will recover just fne as long as his protein is high, and of course the juice will definetly aid in his recovery. I am sure he won't be pushing tremendous poundages at first so this shouldn't effect his recovery ability either. Also 5 days may seem like a lot, but its not. Look at a 4 day split where your training chest and tris, back and bis, delts and traps, and legs. Ok, that maybe only 4 days a week, but your still banging up all of those bodyparts. Its the same either way you look at it. On the 5 day split your just not banging up as many bodyparts in the same day or so. I just find that this split gives me the most strength for the bodypart that I am training. This way I don't feel like I am shortchanging myself.

For instance lets say I am training back and Bi's. After doing 4 back movements, balls to the wall, I am not going to be able to lift my maximum's for biceps. Lets say I normally curl 135 for 10-12 reps. After training back, I would probably only be able to get 6 on that movement. I would rather give my bi's their on day, so i could curl that 135 for 10-12 while I am fresh. That is my logic on this training routine.

Try it before you knock it. Its great.