Starting Over.


As I've mentioned before, a lot of stuff changed in my life recently and I've been actively trying to start over in many areas of my life (including relationships, social life, academics, work and fitness). Academics and work I can't change too much about but I continue to struggle with my social life and more importantly relationships which ultimately affect my fitness.

When your whole world changes, how do you go about rebuilding your life? Also, how do you not allow the instability in your relationship life affect your fitness?
As I've mentioned before, a lot of stuff changed in my life recently and I've been actively trying to start over in many areas of my life (including relationships, social life, academics, work and fitness). Academics and work I can't change too much about but I continue to struggle with my social life and more importantly relationships which ultimately affect my fitness.

When your whole world changes, how do you go about rebuilding your life? Also, how do you not allow the instability in your relationship life affect your fitness?

All you can do is give it 110% and never let the ones you once cared for take advantage of you. Coming from experience man while i was in iraq my first deployment my wife was getting dicked by everybody while all I did was try keeping my ass alive and had to deal with that bullshit. At times I thought about just ending it but one day i just woke up and said fuck everybody that wasnt close friends(dudes i grew up with) or family. Just know dude you have plenty of people here who care bro and do what makes u happy. Eventually everything falls into place in ones life
As I've mentioned before, a lot of stuff changed in my life recently and I've been actively trying to start over in many areas of my life (including relationships, social life, academics, work and fitness). Academics and work I can't change too much about but I continue to struggle with my social life and more importantly relationships which ultimately affect my fitness.

When your whole world changes, how do you go about rebuilding your life? Also, how do you not allow the instability in your relationship life affect your fitness?

This is something that I also find myself struggling with. My social life was non-existent for the last 6 yrs while I was still with my Ex. I have always been a very independent person my whole entire life, but when I was with my Ex he had this ability to strip that independence away from me, leaving me so LOST.

I have small group of individuals that I spend time with that I have know since I was a little girl that are like my family, when I broke up with my Ex these were the people who seemed to help me get back on my feet after I felt broken from my Fall (the failure of the relationship). When it was time for me to start going out and socializing with people again, it felt very awkward, the whole bar and club scene just isn't me. I still feel really uncomfortable around People I do not know well and especially in settings like a bar/club. However, I am slowly coming out of my shell, I no longer am hiding behind my insecurities and no longer feel Broken.

What helped me a lot to heal was I began to do was be a part of MEETUP groups, an online site where like minded individuals in your area can get together and enjoy good food, entertainment, Camping trips, learning to play an instrument, etc. It really helped me make new friends and do things I enjoy, or try things I have never done before.

Creating new memories while meeting new ppl...

I am not in a commited relationship and or really exclusively dating anyone. I have friends that I hang out with, these individuals share the same interests as me and when we get together it's to Train at the gym, Run, Hike, anything related to Fitness, and we reward ourselves with good music and good conversations afterwards.

My friends and I choose Gym first before a party or Dinner date, it's just how we are programmed, we figure the gym will always be there for us while a person can come and go, so take the time needed to build a stronger and healthier body in the kitchen, the gym, even the open road...

It takes time, just like with the transformations of our bodies. Learning to adapt to the unfamiliar and unknown can be scary, and overwhelming, but you just have to stay strong, go through those trials and errors of meeting people, (liking them and or running away from them) lol... until you find the right little group of people to spend your free time with.

It's about always staying positive and never just settling...
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As I've mentioned before, a lot of stuff changed in my life recently and I've been actively trying to start over in many areas of my life (including relationships, social life, academics, work and fitness). Academics and work I can't change too much about but I continue to struggle with my social life and more importantly relationships which ultimately affect my fitness.

When your whole world changes, how do you go about rebuilding your life? Also, how do you not allow the instability in your relationship life affect your fitness?

Take the time to clean out your closet. Not the one in your bedroom but your emotional closet. If you are not healthy yourself, don't expect to have a healthy relationship. Too many people claim to not be able to meet the right person when, in reality, it is they themselves that are the problem - they have emotional baggage that keeps them from having a healthy relationship. It's not always easy to recognize your own baggage - and I'm not saying you have baggage - but sometimes the answer is so simple we can't see it. I'm not one for self-help books and I'm the first to make fun of their pop psychology, but I have to recommend Bringing in "The One" by Katherine Woodward Thomas. This book really opened my eyes inward and because it what I saw, I made some major changes in my life. I now have a beautiful woman in my life and I never thought someone like her existed. I would never have allowed someone like her in my life if I hadn't made certain changes and let go of certain things.

Best of luck, brother!
As I've mentioned before, a lot of stuff changed in my life recently and I've been actively trying to start over in many areas of my life (including relationships, social life, academics, work and fitness). Academics and work I can't change too much about but I continue to struggle with my social life and more importantly relationships which ultimately affect my fitness.

When your whole world changes, how do you go about rebuilding your life? Also, how do you not allow the instability in your relationship life affect your fitness?

One step at a time hun. I am also going through all of these changes and at times it seems too rough to deal with. I want to just give up many days. I look at my son and I know I can't. Not just for him but for my own happiness. It gets easier but there are times when I feel lonely and depressed and like nothing is going my way. I have found hobbies and sometimes feeling myself bury my face into work to pass the time and get my mind off the other things that are bothering me. I left my ex and walked into a very tough situation with my son but I believe in no coincidences, I think you make your life go where you want. I know, it's cliche, but you make your own destiny. Any of us can sit and dwell on the shit that sucks but that truly gets us no where. You have to take control and do what is best for you and the rest will follow. I know that it's hard to be positive, but it really works. Always just find the positives in things instead of dwelling in the past or on the negative things going on. Every time I start feeling like shit, I run. I run my ass off and sweat it out, panting like a bitch because I smoke, but running none the less, lol. It gives me time to think without distraction.
I find that the only good thing to come out of starting over is my workouts. I find after a break up or someting like that, I really focus on nothing but my routine. I find solice in the weightroom and it brings me piece, and piece of mind.
I find that when my training, albeit as a fitness type more than anything special like bbldg or powerlftg, is spot on the rest of my life falls into step.

Dtone u know what a wreck I can be...but getting to work and the gym is alway s step one...then my horizon s broaden.

I ll have my left knee replaced soon and I hope that allows for power to return to my life but the down time scares me...I don t do well with immobility. Gotta keep movin...or the dark side closes in and I become eoither depressed or mean.
I find that when my training, albeit as a fitness type more than anything special like bbldg or powerlftg, is spot on the rest of my life falls into step.

Dtone u know what a wreck I can be...but getting to work and the gym is alway s step one...then my horizon s broaden.

I ll have my left knee replaced soon and I hope that allows for power to return to my life but the down time scares me...I don t do well with immobility. Gotta keep movin...or the dark side closes in and I become eoither depressed or mean.

NICE AV Teutonic!!!!!!!!!!!!:spin:
As I've mentioned before, a lot of stuff changed in my life recently and I've been actively trying to start over in many areas of my life (including relationships, social life, academics, work and fitness). Academics and work I can't change too much about but I continue to struggle with my social life and more importantly relationships which ultimately affect my fitness.

When your whole world changes, how do you go about rebuilding your life? Also, how do you not allow the instability in your relationship life affect your fitness?

Honestly it's something I tell all women I get involved with. My health is important to me, and i'll always take care of myself. If me spending time at the gym or being strict with my diet is a problem then this clearly will not work.

And when $hit gets flipped upside down, the gym is the only thing that will always be there. It will never leave you, cheat on you, lie to you, etc.

Take advantage of your situation and use it to get in better shape.
I've been starting over this past year, and I'd say the important thing is getting some alone time. Get some distance. I'm living in another country than my home country right now, and getting that distance, being in an unknown place and not knowing anyone has given me plenty of time to think and focus on my own thoughts. I'd say, if you can, take 6 months in a foreign country or city where you don't know anyone, and try and put your thoughts back together. Who you are around greatly changes how you define yourself. A lot of the time, how they will come to define you won't be really true. You need to see yourself out in the open and on your own to gain perspective on what is actually you, and what is actually other people defining you for you.
All you can do is give it 110% and never let the ones you once cared for take advantage of you. Coming from experience man while i was in iraq my first deployment my wife was getting dicked by everybody while all I did was try keeping my ass alive and had to deal with that bullshit. At times I thought about just ending it but one day i just woke up and said fuck everybody that wasnt close friends(dudes i grew up with) or family. Just know dude you have plenty of people here who care bro and do what makes u happy. Eventually everything falls into place in ones life

Stay structured use weight training as your base as what makes you who you are and go from there it will unfold for you.