yes, you need bloodwork to know for sure. you should be feeling stronger, you should be recovering better, able to push it harder.
it's not just assuming newbies and poor diet. it's realizing the FACT that what causes people to be unsatisfied with their gains is lack of proper diet, training, or a combination of both. you're 6'3 with 175lbs of lean body mass assuming your bf estimate is in the right ballpark. you're taking in 5000 calories including several shakes. and you're on gear, and have been for years, gear that has almost definitely not ALL been completely bunk. and no, you're not "immune" to the effects of these hormones.
so either you have done 4 cycles of bunk stuff, or your diet and training are not as on point as you feel they are.
i'm not saying this to be a dick or just treat you like some newbie.... i'm genuinely trying to help identify the problem areas.
lay out your previous cycles, that might help. what compounds, what esters, for how many weeks, whether you did post cycle therapy (pct), etc. tell us your stats before you started getting serious 3 years ago. post what you ate yesterday or today or both as an example of the 5000 cals you're taking in.
post pics if you can for better feedback.
i don't know about natures science, but i don't think zlabs would be complete bunk. i'm not a fan of that or associate labs, but mostly that is a pricing and such issue that i have with them more than the gear being junk. have heard some talk of underdosing in the past, but it is so hard to tell with people talking about how they 'feel' as their only proof. either way, a 'standard' dose of 500 or 600mg/week would still be pretty serious even if dosed at 80% instead of 100%. so whatever. that is what it is.
it's not just assuming newbies and poor diet. it's realizing the FACT that what causes people to be unsatisfied with their gains is lack of proper diet, training, or a combination of both. you're 6'3 with 175lbs of lean body mass assuming your bf estimate is in the right ballpark. you're taking in 5000 calories including several shakes. and you're on gear, and have been for years, gear that has almost definitely not ALL been completely bunk. and no, you're not "immune" to the effects of these hormones.
so either you have done 4 cycles of bunk stuff, or your diet and training are not as on point as you feel they are.
i'm not saying this to be a dick or just treat you like some newbie.... i'm genuinely trying to help identify the problem areas.
lay out your previous cycles, that might help. what compounds, what esters, for how many weeks, whether you did post cycle therapy (pct), etc. tell us your stats before you started getting serious 3 years ago. post what you ate yesterday or today or both as an example of the 5000 cals you're taking in.
post pics if you can for better feedback.
i don't know about natures science, but i don't think zlabs would be complete bunk. i'm not a fan of that or associate labs, but mostly that is a pricing and such issue that i have with them more than the gear being junk. have heard some talk of underdosing in the past, but it is so hard to tell with people talking about how they 'feel' as their only proof. either way, a 'standard' dose of 500 or 600mg/week would still be pretty serious even if dosed at 80% instead of 100%. so whatever. that is what it is.