Finally got a hold of my source.....he said that it shouldn't be a controlled delivery.........however he did put a signature on the package. Which I told him not to. I still haven't gotten a sliip saying my pack was in......and I still don't know who the two guys where in the black truck. I hope you guys are right.....that they are Jehovah Witnesses or Mormons.
bro , if they leave you a slip your fine. i will not answer the door when the mailman comes to it. i do have to sign for some of the things i get overseas. they will leave a slip in your box stating they will try and deliver it the next day or you can pick it up after 4:00 oclock in my case that same day.
i go down sign for it and walk out with a smile. if they keep coming back that same day to try and deliver . then i would worry!!!
In the past I have had to sign for no sig. required pack because by the time the first copy of the label is taken by the shipper, the next by the postman, you can hardly see anything on the final copy. So they go ahead and want you to sign anyway.
I didn't sign for it.......they approached me....saying that they don't care about me....they want to get the big dogs. I denied everything. They want me to come to the station tomorrow and talk to them. I told them I would. I didn't know what else to do. Help me please!
Since its domestic they obviously are onto your source. Without knowing really what happened (because all you said was that it was a controlled delivery and that they talked to you) I cant really give you any advice other then to not talk to anybody, do not accept any packages and get rid of your harddrive as well as clean your place ASAP.
Well they approached me today saying that they have intercepted to packages sent to me. THey also said that they don't care about me but about the big dogs. I denied everything. I never signed for anything nor did I receive anything. Scared to death bro.... help me please.
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