Stressed Out about A Delivery.......Help ASAP!

1. Don't talk to them
2. Make triple sure you don't have anything in your house (gear, tabs, pins, etc)
3. Make sure computer is not in house.
Hmm, I thought customs had to get a signed form from a judge before opening any suspicious packages. Wouldn't that take a lot longer then 3 days? You said that your source sent on Wednesday and you were guarenteed to receive on Friday, instead of receiving the package, the postal inspectors payed you a visit.
Exkon said:
Hmm, I thought customs had to get a signed form from a judge before opening any suspicious packages. Wouldn't that take a lot longer then 3 days? You said that your source sent on Wednesday and you were guarenteed to receive on Friday, instead of receiving the package, the postal inspectors payed you a visit.

Not so with domestic packages, especially if the source is under investigation. Postal Inspectors are granted quite a bit of rights in this regard.

And just an FYI, customs does not need anything from a judge to open a package. They open thousands a week for inspection.
The laws are different w/ domestic. They have to get a warrant before scanning or opening domestic express mail. If they were watching the source and knew what he was sending I would say that is plenty enough for a warrant to search your house. You are lucky because if I was the inspector I would not ask you any questions until you accepted the pack, then went ahead w/ the search of your personal property, computer, etc. If you sent him e-mail I'm sure it is no problem for them to verify if you ordered or not. As mentioned earlier, I'm sure everyone would like to know who sent it. If they were setting you up, they open the pack, take pics and verify contents. Then re-pack and it's on it's way. I do not think this would get done in 3 days unless they were bored and had no other work to do. I could be different in the belief about signing.......why would it make a difference? If they have evidence to get you, how would it help by not signing? Think about how many times in the past you had to sign for things and had no clue what it was, I would be suspicious of someone who didn't sign. If they have enough info for a controlled delivery I do not think they care about getting a sig. If you refuse a pack, it gets returned to a fake addy, eventually it will get opened w/ your addy on it anyway. That could start an investigation by itself. Then if you used a fake name to your addy and they have proof you bought you are also facing mail fraud charges. I do not receive any packs at all anymore. In one month prior to my last time I had over 10,000 amps sent to me. You can see why I was nervous and quit.
I am not sure the best way to do this, but I think it is very important to get the word out on who your source was.

Biggie, how would one handle this? Maybe you could atleast post a thread saying, if your source starts with the letter " " than email me for a check. This will help you from getting bombarded with everyone on the board asking if it's their source, and limits it down quite a bit. What do you think?
compman said:
I am not sure the best way to do this, but I think it is very important to get the word out on who your source was.

Biggie, how would one handle this? Maybe you could atleast post a thread saying, if your source starts with the letter " " than email me for a check. This will help you from getting bombarded with everyone on the board asking if it's their source, and limits it down quite a bit. What do you think?

Have him post it at Meso. But nothing to do with sources gets posted on this board. Sorry.
It would be nice if he at least told a mod who it was. I PM'd and asked but you always see these situations and then the person just disappears...... Hope to get some info before that happens.
Yes I agee that they dont have to much on you. The reason they want to talk to you is so you will tell on your self and your source. They do this because they dont have enough info on you but they have more on you source. They will tell you that they wiil go easy and if you help them out with case they will talk to prosicutor and see what they can do. IT'S ALL BULLSHIT. They dont have anything the to do with the case after it goes to the Pros. And they will tell you just about anything to make you sing. I have had a few runins with the law in my youth and I was a little rambutious, had a little vaction or as I like to call it a 3 year sabatical.
well fellas....I will give you an update.....I took my computer to my buddies house so he could reformat it....the reason I haven't been on in a while. The story is pretty much what gearedup said. When the Narcotics officiers approached me they asked me about the packages. I denied everything. They wanted me to come to the station the next day......with advice from some good bros I didn't. So far they havn't came back or they haven't supeniaed(sp) me either. So that is good. They did, however, was trying to get me to give up names and stuff. I knew if I did....I would be admitting that the gear was mine.
Rollon..good to hear you are okay.....I don't think you have anything to worry about now bro...Just play it safe and keep us informed...
TxLonghorn said:
I would have a fit that he put signature required on it and would refuse to sign for it. Period.

Yeah man thats BULLSHIT, because we all you YOU DONT SIGN FOR SHIT. If he is taking 3 months, and then said he put a sig on it - he is probably trying to get out of never sending it to you in the first place.

Sounds like he is bending you over, IMO. You never sign for shit, ergo you will never get it, if it was ever even sent!
I'm sorry, but something doesn't follow here. Either the Cops were stupid, thought you were, or this never happened, and here's why I say so: FIRST & FOREMOST, the cops would NOT come to the door knocking to ask you questions, saying that "they have a package for you, and they know what it contains, and that you're a small fish, and that they want the big dogs". In order for them to operate under even the BLANKET of "they have your ass", they would get a search warrant, and definitely try to deliver that package to you. From your story, it appears that they didn't even try to do that much, as you stated that on the day(or day after) it was to arrive, two Postal Inspectors just showed up to question you. That shit NEVER happens! They don't just seize the package, not deliver it(or even attempt as much), then just show up saying that they know what's inside of it, then expect you to squeal like a pig.

For them to not even try to deliver it is making me wonder about this story. If they really wanted you to talk, THEY WOULD'VE DELIVERED IT! Period! That way they'd KNOW you'd be scared shitless(because then they could've executed the Warrent--and if you're scared now, then you would've definitely been then--searched your house--taken your PC Etc--which would give them some actaul leverage against you), which would increase the chances of you talking. I'm not saying you'd talk---I'm saying how they get you to talk, and your story doesn't follow bro.

Also, why no mention of the Source? I don't see one at Meso(I understand why there isn't one here).

ALSO. Who approached you again? Narcotics officers? State boys?
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Rollon said:
So I don't have to go talk to them?

Dude, until they arrest you then of course you dont fuckin have to! Forget about your shit so that you can put it out of your mind, otherwise they are going to try and break you if you go talk to them.

Forget about it and move on as best you can. Following the rest of the story, for all any of us know he could be working with the feds.
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Well I guess the Cops were stupid....oh by the way they were narcotics officers not postal workers. Go FUCK yourself if you don't believe the story. Ask Gearedup if you don't believe me from fitnessgeared.
SkedMedz said:
I'm sorry, but something doesn't follow here. Either the Cops were stupid, thought you were, or this never happened, and here's why I say so: FIRST & FOREMOST, the cops would NOT come to the door knocking to ask you questions, saying that "they have a package for you, and they know what it contains, and that you're a small fish, and that they want the big dogs". In order for them to operate under even the BLANKET of "they have your ass", they would get a search warrant, and definitely try to deliver that package to you. From your story, it appears that they didn't even try to do that much, as you stated that on the day(or day after) it was to arrive, two Postal Inspectors just showed up to question you. That shit NEVER happens! They don't just seize the package, not deliver it(or even attempt as much), then just show up saying that they know what's inside of it, then expect you to squeal like a pig.

For them to not even try to deliver it is making me wonder about this story. If they really wanted you to talk, THEY WOULD'VE DELIVERED IT! Period! That way they'd KNOW you'd be scared shitless(because then they could've executed the Warrent--and if you're scared now, then you would've definitely been then--searched your house--taken your PC Etc--which would give them some actaul leverage against you), which would increase the chances of you talking. I'm not saying you'd talk---I'm saying how they get you to talk, and your story doesn't follow bro.

Also, why no mention of the Source? I don't see one at Meso(I understand why there isn't one here).

ALSO. Who approached you again? Narcotics officers? State boys?
Rollon said:
Well I guess the Cops were stupid....oh by the way they were narcotics officers not postal workers. Go FUCK yourself if you don't believe the story. Ask Gearedup if you don't believe me from fitnessgeared.

Rollon, relax big guy. Sked is really just trying to find out the exact story, thats all. Your situation that you described in your first post here is unique so I do understand where some of the other questions have come from but the fact that it was narcotics officers that approached you and not postal inspectors seems to be a very valid reason as to why you didnt get popped. My suspicions are that your source has been under the radar of his local P.I.'s for some time. When he mailed out your pack, it was probably opened in the State it was sent from by the P.I.'s doing the investigation. They probably kept the package to use as potential evidence and then contacted the P.I.'s for the area you live in to inform them of the situation. Either those P.I.'s were busy with other shit or it was just too small of an amount to even bother with so they sent out some narcotics yahoo's to try and scare you into giving up some names. This is actually an exact scenario that I was told happens every once in a while from a Postal Inspector that I made acquaintances with since my bust last year. I will be the first to warn you that you are now in the 'system'. What does this mean? Domestically, probably not that much but any decent size international package that gets seized by customs coming to the address that you normally use may end up giving you some serious problems. Just a thought.
btw, as Skeds was probably thinking as well, I also assumed that it was Postal Inspectors that approached you since you didnt specifically say it was narc officers. That does change things. You can bet your ass that if a Postal Inspector had taken time out of his day to deal with you that he would have been trying to deliver a package. P.I.'s generally dont just come to see you with the intentions of talking.

And also, my assumption of what I believe happened is only an assumption based on conversations I have had with a Postal Inspector. It seems to fit in this case but I am still only speculating.
Rollon said:
Well I guess the Cops were stupid....oh by the way they were narcotics officers not postal workers. Go FUCK yourself if you don't believe the story. Ask Gearedup if you don't believe me from fitnessgeared.

Hey now, re-laaaax there Sally! Here's what I didn't get(although biggies scenario kinda shined some light). I assumed that your package actually made it as far as to your local area. Now, if that were the case(as I assumed it was-incorrectly I guess), then why the hell(I asked myself) would the locals come looking for you, assuming it was a guy in another STATE that sent it, asking for you to give that guy up?? I mean, if he is in another State bro, it aint like they can touch him, or even get one iota of credit if someone else busted him. Given the fact that it didn't make it as far as you, it now makes a little more sence.

Next time I need one of your stories enlightened upon, I'll first PM biggie and ask him to explain it better, or I guess your pal Gearedup over at that is. Now...offf to fuck myself.