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Hey, after gaining alot of mass real quick with M1T, i've put on some stretch marks across my arm-chest bend. I've ignored 'em but now they're appearing on my biceps, and i'm not even supplimenting anything but protein and a multivitamin, how do i get rid of them?
(budget matters, maternity section at walmart sells a tube of cream to get rid of them for 25 bucks, too expensive)

Stretch marks are usually there for good.
There's not much you can really do now that you've got them.
how can you get the redness of them to go away? mine are still dark red after like 4 or 5 months.
i have the same problem, i have had mine for years, they DONT go away !
sorry bro, but if there is a cure, then i havent heard about it !

i know that they sell some kind of lotion for pregnant women with stretchmarks, but i dont think they work ?! never tried them though !
Mederma worked for me, but only on new stretch marks. They managed to hide them.

Repeat: Mederma only works on stretch marks that are still red/purple, not silver ones.

Good luck bro
I could be wrong, and if I'm right then I'm sure it's pretty expensive, but isn't there some kind of laser treatment to get rid of or at least reduce stretch marks?
The red/purple stretch marks slowly fade with time, but they spread so the ends are always red. They're always there but are less noticable after they fade. I was told by a doctor that Retin-A gel (prescription) gets rid of them but I tried it with no success. Just think of your stretch marks as a sign of progress.
Vitamin E will help, but the only real way to get rid of them is to prevent them in the first place. You can help to fade them out, but once they're there, they're staying.

I've got the same problem, stretch marks started when I took M1T, and now they're spreading down my biceps. Been off for months, and the marks are still going strong.