Strong Man trainnig

No flame bro....:)

You have awsomwe lifts...i cant waint to get my squat up there and the deads too...but is the bench number correct...that seems a little low...but with the training you probably have to do to get ready, i dont think the bench is that much of a help anyhow...i could be wrong though...i watch tose strong man comps and i see a ton of leg and back and arm strength...but i would think with the power on the deads and squat, your bench would be around 500 max or at least 465....

i am not being critical or anything, i am just the opposite, i have a 465 bench, and a 400 max on the squat and a 480 on the deads...we can all see my legs and back are lagging....that is my training focus right now...i would like to enter a strongman gig myself here in about 6 months or so...more like a year at my leg growth rate...

I have long arms, and have never really concentrated on flat bench, I always do incline instead. My bench is definetly my weak point. For the competition I was trainning with the appolons axle for clean and press before I hurt myself and I was banking on that to be my worst event. Maybe I should try one of those denim shirts, I have a buddy that swears it adds 200lbs to his bench.
I have never tried a shirt or anything...dont use a belt either...for sqyats and deads yes....never put much thought into a bech shirt or suit i much could it actually help?

eastarr69 said:
I have never tried a shirt or anything...dont use a belt either...for sqyats and deads yes....never put much thought into a bech shirt or suit i much could it actually help?


It helps alot, I know guys that add hundreds of pounds on there totals by using, suits and wraps. I always use a belt when I squat but I hate to wrap my knees.