Suppressing Prolactin Safely, Effectively and Cheaply

Terminator: right, but B-6 could be an alternatvie, a cheaper, and more readily available one

You get a bodybuilder running 1-2 grams a week of test plus another gram or so of tren and you honestly think b-6 is going to stop progesterone related gyno?

IMHO the bodybuilder in mention would need a bra stuffed with tisse to collect all the

Sarms hands down bro, IMHO.
absolutly i would go with a dopamine antagonist but what about using B-6 runing it through out and using cabergoline if not is b-6 and a dopamine antagonist like cab worth using is combination of the two?
ive tried both prami and bromo and honestly bromo sides make it an awesome cutter cus i could literally not eat 500 calaories all day to save my life, however prami gh boosting effects are noticeable and sides are way better plus libido is freaking great
Very interesting , I will try deca for the first time and will add b6 from day one. Starting at 50 mg daily in addition to the multi vitamin I already take with b6