why not use adex over aromasin
adex didnt work well last time on cycle..
why not use adex over aromasin
That is how I have my next cycle planned roush, front loading the Npp and prop but still running deca 14/test e 16 weeks
good deal . just make sure you keep an eye on your RBC , hematocrit . Nandrolone is used to treat Anemia (ie., used medically to increase red blood cells), so running a fast acting nandrolone with a slow acting nandrolone can really drive up your RBC.
donate blood at the middle and end of your cycle
On the topic of donatig blood.. can i do it while on cycle, should i mention that im on steroids?? i always wanted to know
On the topic of donatig blood.. can i do it while on cycle, should i mention that im on steroids?? i always wanted to know
Tell them your detailed cycle, don't forget pct. also mention how frequently you masterbate.
Tell them your detailed cycle, don't forget pct. also mention how frequently you masterbate.
i seem to holding a bit of water.. is this normal??
this is the most basic and obvious sign that your gear is kicking in . holding water is the beginning phase of anabolic processes
How far are you into your cycle? Are u using a da like prami?