sust/deca/superdrol cycle log

That is how I have my next cycle planned roush, front loading the Npp and prop but still running deca 14/test e 16 weeks
That is how I have my next cycle planned roush, front loading the Npp and prop but still running deca 14/test e 16 weeks

good deal . just make sure you keep an eye on your RBC , hematocrit . Nandrolone is used to treat Anemia (ie., used medically to increase red blood cells), so running a fast acting nandrolone with a slow acting nandrolone can really drive up your RBC.
donate blood at the middle and end of your cycle
good deal . just make sure you keep an eye on your RBC , hematocrit . Nandrolone is used to treat Anemia (ie., used medically to increase red blood cells), so running a fast acting nandrolone with a slow acting nandrolone can really drive up your RBC.
donate blood at the middle and end of your cycle

On the topic of donatig blood.. can i do it while on cycle, should i mention that im on steroids?? i always wanted to know
On the topic of donatig blood.. can i do it while on cycle, should i mention that im on steroids?? i always wanted to know

if your injecting anything into your body that is not prescribed and administered by a doctor then you are not allowed to donate.

this is a matter of 'conscience' you'll need to decide for yourself wither to disclose this information or not. personal choice.

keep in mind that a 'steroid users' blood that is rich in red blood cells is going to be beneficial to the recipient
Day 2

Nothing major to report.. with superdrol in for 2 days at 10 mgs i can feel a little increase in strength, or maybe its just mental..

Yesterday sust and deca shots went smoothly..

took 12.5mg aromasin today.. diet is on point..

body feels a little sore.. nothing major..
Day 3

Woke up checked my weight i was 2.5 kgs heavier but my clothes felt loose when i wore them.. did my workout early in the morning as it was my first day at work.. i was a little sleepy, workout was good could have been better.. weight wise it was good.. lifted more than last week..

feeling sore on my injection sites..

took 12.5mg aromasin today.. diet is on point..

body feels a little sore.. and feeling tired because of full day at work.. dont think its because of anything else..
People have reported they dont feel hungry on sd, im not noticing any loss of appetite.. still eating the same.. @3500 calories appox
cannot report anything libido wise as its just the start and not feeling horny because im tired today..
Day 5

Noticed strength has gone up quite a bit.. could easily do DB shoulder presses of 60 lbs for 10 could have done 2-3 more.. earlier 45's were max.

feeling a little spike in BP.. random episodes of shaking.. nothing major..

libido seems to be low, switched my ai dose from ed to eod.. (12.5mg eod)

eating the same, no loss in appetite, still at 3300 calories, would increase to 3600 next week as i'll be bumping my sd dose..

all in all nothing drastic except my weight has increased by 4 kgs in 4 days... and increase in strength..

i seem to holding a bit of water.. is this normal??
this is the most basic and obvious sign that your gear is kicking in . holding water is the beginning phase of anabolic processes

Thats good.. ive been gaining enough on a daily basis.. feeling lethargic.. and because i dont even want to have sex maybe..
How far are you into your cycle? Are u using a da like prami?

Just finished 1 week. Yes I'm taking caber 0.5mg e3d and 0.25mg aromasin eod..

I think the bloat is because of the increased calories that I've been eating.. I increased it by 300-400 in a short time..
Day 6

Feeling good overall.. weight increasing steadily.. can loft heavy without much problems.. Took 12.5mg ai today.. started using it 12.5mg eod

Sex drive seems to be low, dont know the reason.. maybe its superdrol and the lethargy its causing..

Will be increasing my dose and calories from next week

Feeling a little bloated.. but im feeling fuller for sure, clothes are a little tight..

Waiting for caber and sustanon to kick in.. could be helpful for my libido..
End of week 1.. Day 7

so i have gained close to 7 pounds.. strength has gone up.. lethargy has kicked in, sustanon and caber haven't *

feeling fuller from when i started.. sex drive has gone down.. maybe it has something to do with superdrol

increased calories to 3500 from next week

Planning to do 2 weeks superdrol now and 2 weeks at the end.. lets see

Question: When does suatnon kick in and caber too?? i mean the sexual sides from caber..

So end of week 1 my cycle is*

Sustanon 350 Deca 300

Aromasin 12.5mg eod

Caber 0.5mg e3d
Dude, who gave you that cycle layout? Sust 350/Deca 300 per week?? K so you have gained 7 lbs in 1 week?! WHAT? Shut up dude that's crazy, maybe ur aromasin is bunk or ur eating too much lol. I have no experience with sdrol but week 5 is when libido gets high, but I'm using prami on cycle not caber so idk
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