I am banned!
Well this place is my go-to when I got some free time now so yea
Day 8
Couldnt sleep last night, was out with family.. only got 5 hours of sleep and it affected my workout..
Even thought sleepy my strength was through the roof. but was feeling sleepy.![]()
Upped my SD to 20mg, feeling lethargic and my appetite has gone down.. its getting difficult for me to eat now.. but still im feeling bloated.. face has become a little puffy.. or its maybe just in my head
no side effects except lethargy, tiredness and low libido
Today would be my 2nd week of sust/deca injection
Body was pumped while working out, felt a lot fuller, people are noticing a change, so SD is working..
Question: Do you feel pumped the entire day while on gear??? or just during your workouts??
Yeah I usually feel a good pump in the muscles I workout the next day I did chest last night and it's 8 o'clock now the next evening and I still feel pumped up you????????
I feel pumped up almost for a few hours after my workout.. that is if im doing hypertrophy type.. if strength, pumps last only till my workouts.
Maybe try to eat some more carbs ???? Usually helps with pumps
Yeah right I usually try to mix the 2 types together with super set pyramid style training . Usually my chest and back stay pumped longer than my shoulders and arms and legs
currently eating 380 carbs 260 protein and 100 fats for my 3500 calories.. because of SD its getting difficlt to eat more than this, maybe will increase once im done with SD in this week..
Fair enough mate I've found it hard to eat on certain types of gear also how are you finding the superdrol???
I believe somewhere hypertrophy type workouts yeild better gains than strength.. but there will always be a debate about this
Yeah I'd have to agree as long as you're still lifting heavy while training for hyperthophy I try to mix it up heavy 3 reps semi heavy 8 reps Med 12 reps light 16-18 reps mixed up with the 8 reps 5 sets normal sort of thing usually everything I do is a mix of this seems to suit me ok
Superdrol gains have been coming along pretty good.. ive gained 7 lbs in a week.. im sure 2 pounds must be water.. but then too 4-5 in a week is pretty good..
Lethargy is for real... its like feeling hungover the entire day
within 2 days of taking SD, my strength was through the roof and even the stamina..
Low libido is the only major side im facing.. no hairloss, no acne.. reduced appetite for sure..
overall, SD is good for kickstart but only if you can handle well.. i plannd to do 4 weeks of sd as kickstart, but now im going to do 2 in the beginning and 2 at the end.. body looking fuller 100%
Day 12
Weight is 80.5
Feeing good on cycle.. realised that I'm getting horny but my erections aren't strong.. been taking ai ed for 4 days now
Just patiently waiting for sust and deca to kick in..
Superdrol is making me hold a bot of water other than that no major side effects
I can see changes in the scale and my clothes are tight but my body isn't looking like it.. maybe it's the water..
Diet is clean.. low sodium, no cheat meals, properly spacing my meals