

New member
I need some advice on putting together a cycle. It will be cycle number 2, the first being a dbol only cycle (I don't recommend this). What I have is:

8 sustanon 250 veils
4 deca 200 veils
120 pink dbols
plenty of clomid/nolvadex

I don't like the idea of turning off my balls for long periods of time, so I am looking for something around 5 weeks. From what I understand, the gear will remain active for 2 weeks after the last injection, so a 5 week cycle really lasts 7 weeks. I'm not in a rush and appreciate all the comments you guys care to share.
I myself dont think i would use the deca..the sus dbol gig would be good alone.....with you ancilleries of course...

I would run

sus week one at a gram
week 2-6 at 750mg
dbol week 1-3 or 4 at 25mg daily minimum....maybe 30 mg daily...

I dont think you got enough gear bro.
And both Sus and Deca are very slow acting.
They wont kick in till late week 4 or 5.
You might want to take them past 5 weeks to see results.
eastarr69 said:
I myself dont think i would use the deca..the sus dbol gig would be good alone.....with you ancilleries of course...

I would run

sus week one at a gram
week 2-6 at 750mg
dbol week 1-3 or 4 at 25mg daily minimum....maybe 30 mg daily...


I agree he doesn't need the Deca.......but that's as far as I agree.

But......this is basically his first cycle, there is NO WAY he needs to run Sustanon (sust) @750 mg/week, not to mention he has given us no info on his stats or age.

So bump for more info ^
he did say this is cycle number 2.......u r correct on the sts gig, but i did suggest a moderate dose of dbol...and 3 weeks on a six weeker would be fine...and if it is his second cycle , why not 750 of sus? i would go no less then 500 mg.....

StoneColdNTO said:
But his first cyclec was D-bol ONLY, so I really don't count that as a cycle.


I think u need more sauce bro, before starting, make sure you have everything you need before starting. GOod luck
def need more gear...and i believe a cycle is a cycle...i think a dbol only would be a bad 1st anyhow...i know we dont want to over do the cycles etc...but i dont think he will like 6 weeks at 250 mg etc...remember he said a short cycle...i would run the sus for 8-10 weeks at least, but that is not me....just my .02....

i'm the new guy but experienced like most of you...4 to 5 weeks just wont not enough gear..if you want the best results from sust/omnas IMO you would need 1ccEOD for weeks 1-3 to benifit from the prop and phenylprop cause if you shoot sust/omna every week i think you wasting the shorter acting tests in the sust/omnas..and thats my feww pennies
OK, I guess I understand now that a longer cycle is needed... 8 weeks sounds reasonable. My stats now are:

26 years old
been working out 6 years on and off (extremely hard gainer)
Heaviest weight was 200lbs 2 years ago (virtually no body fat at all)

I understand that Sustanon should be used twice a week to take best advantage of all the ingredients. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the long acting part of Sustanon the same stuff deca is made out of? I was thinking that if Sustanon IS part deca (100ml out of the 250), then I could use the Sustanon twice a week to get best effect and then 200ml of deca once a week to beef it up for a toral of 300ml of deca (200ml of deca + the 100ml in the Sustanon). The dbol, which from my first experience (25mg a day) was weak, would just be added in an effort to boost and give a synergetic effect to the injectables (though I must say I was very dissappointed with the dbol - not even a zit after 4 weeks, gained maybe 5 lbs but that I attribute to eating more).

OK, so assuming I had a bit more Sust/deca/debol, what would a good bulking cycle be for 6-8 weeks? Also, for those who are taking the time to answer this, could you also briefly explain why you are suggesting something? It is a lot more helpful that way instead of just a chart of numbers. I obviously appreciate you guys and this board greatly... thanks guys. is what I would suggest.

Do a 8 or 10 week cycle of Sustanon (sust) @ 500 mg/week

That's it.........."KEEP IT SIMPLE" and learn how you respond to one compound before stacking it with another.

BTW, there is NO Deca in Sustanon (sust), I think you are confusing the decanoate ester that is common to both the Sustanon (sust) & Deca.

Here is a great read to help you understand esters;
PowerMove. I am with StoneColdNTO. Keep it simple at first and see how your body responds.This way you can better judge your dosages ect. on your next go'round. I too am a frickin hard gainer and it is a pain in the ass as you know to "put it on." But I just got thru with the exact same cycle that you mentioned dbol/sust/deca and I put on 32 lbs. Shot up to 213 then lost the water(I hold alot with the dbol) and am holding at about 206-208.
One thing that you have to keep in mind is ya gotta eat baby! If it don't move or you can catch it eat it!

That my 2 cents!
Next cycle, any advice?

GP Sust 270 GP Deca 250mg/ml 10mg Dbol Anastrozole 1mg
Week 1 Mon/Wed/Fri 1ml each (810mg) Mon/Fri 1ml each day (500mg) 40mg ED .5mg ED

Week 2 Mon/Wed/Fri 1ml each (810mg) Mon/Fri 1ml each day (500mg) 40mg ED .5mg ED

Week 3 Mon/Wed/Fri 1ml each(810mg) Mon/Fri 1ml each day (500mg) 40mg ED .5mg ED

Week 4 Mon/Wed/Fri 1ml each (810mg) Mon/Fri 1ml each day (500mg) 40mg ED .5mg ED

Week 5 Mon/Wed/Fri .8ml each (650mg) Mon/Fri .8ml each day (400mg) 40mg ED .5mg ED

Week 6 Mon/Wed/Fri .8ml each (650mg) Mon/Fri .8ml each day (400mg) .5mg ED

Week 7 Mon/Wed/Fri .8ml each (650mg) Mon/Fri .8ml each day (400mg) .5mg ED

Week 8 Mon/Wed/Fri .8ml each (650mg) Mon/Fri .8ml each day (400mg) 20 mcg clen/day .5mg ED

Week9 Mon/Wed/Fri .8ml each (650mg) Mon/Fri .8ml each day (400mg) 40mcg clen/day .5mg ED

Week 10 Mon/Wed/Fri .8ml each (650mg) Mon/Fri .8ml each day (400mg) 60mcg clen/day .5mg ED

Week 11 Mon/Wed/Fri .8ml each (650mg) 80mcg clen/day .5mg ED
Day 12 after last pin 200mg of Clomid and .5mg of anastrozole ED
20 days 50mg of clomid/ .5mg anastrozole ED

Other stuff:
liver protection with LIV 52
4-5k in calories per day
225g protein per day
Multi vitamins
My information:
40 yo Currently bench 335lbs
190 lbs Squat: 425lbs
10% BF Deadlift 435 lbs
2nd cycle
1st cycle was dbol 40mg/4wks- test E @ 500mg wk/ 12 weeks
You should run that Sustanon for 12 weeks min and skip the deca for this cycle because you have never ran a full cycle with test. The Dbol should be ok because you already ran it before and it was so so. Maybe you will see better results this time around.

Sustanon 250 - 500mg/week for 12-14 weeks providing there are no bad sides.
Eod injections would be better but that would require you to take more of it = 200mg eod.
Dbol - 40mg/day for 4 weeks
Aromasin on hand and seek advice if sides show.
Just for the sake: Aromasin 12.5mg eod and as high as 25mg/day for gyno sides. Get advice first tho.
Clomid for pct 50/50/50/50

By vials, do you mean 1ml amps or 10ml bottles ? I ask this because someone said that you don't have enough.
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I have done one full cycle of Test E with a kick start of dbol (12 weeks). I started at 182lbs and ended at 200lbs. I cut down to 190lbs. I'm about 193lbs now. I'm oversees and all the gear I have is listed. I was told by a good friend of mine to try the deca this time. I also have winnie, but I don't know if I should do it during the end of this cycle. I was hoping to try the deca, but I'm doing some more research. Thanks for the input. I only have clomid and ameridex for PCT and on cycle therapy. Do you think it will be OK? I don't want to start this cycle unless I have a good PCT plan.

I have done one full cycle of Test E with a kick start of dbol (12 weeks). I started at 182lbs and ended at 200lbs. I cut down to 190lbs. I'm about 193lbs now. I'm oversees and all the gear I have is listed. I was told by a good friend of mine to try the deca this time. I also have winnie, but I don't know if I should do it during the end of this cycle. I was hoping to try the deca, but I'm doing some more research. Thanks for the input. I only have clomid and ameridex for PCT and on cycle therapy. Do you think it will be OK? I don't want to start this cycle unless I have a good PCT plan.

Yup, Test, deca, dbol is a good cycle. You have already done 2 of those compounds and I guess it went well so why not...

600mg of test 2x week - 14 weeks ~ Sustanon 200mg Eod
400mg of deca 2x week - 12 weeks
50-60mg dbol ed for 4 weeks

Arimidex .5mg ed and then taper it to .25mg ed 2 weeks into pct.

Clomid 50/50/50/50/ 21 days after last injection.

Should also have a DA on hand incase of prolactin gyno like Caber/Dostinex or trade out the Adex for Aromasin as seen above. Get advice on Dostinex before using it.

Oh ! 5000 cals is a lot for your stats. You might want to bring that up with 3j in the diet forum because you will probly get a lot of water weight on that. 10% BF, that will be gone.
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Hey all im 23 years of age i weigh 88kg.. 180cm.. i ve been been training for about 2 years now.. i have completed one cycle which was 500mg of sust250 for 10 weeks and then for pct pregnyl and i am about to start my second cycle but would just like to get some opinions on my next cycle .. it will be more advance and id like to take all the precautionary steps to keep it as clean and safe as possible...

750mg suss250 (10 weeks) Mon Wed Fri
200mg deca200 (9 weeks) Mon
30mg d'bol (daily for4 weeks)
0.5mg liquidex ( daily and runs through with pregnyl)

PCT- start pregnyl 23 days after last shot of suss250 followed by nolvadex
Hey all im 23 years of age i weigh 88kg.. 180cm.. i ve been been training for about 2 years now.. i have completed one cycle which was 500mg of sust250 for 10 weeks and then for pct pregnyl and i am about to start my second cycle but would just like to get some opinions on my next cycle .. it will be more advance and id like to take all the precautionary steps to keep it as clean and safe as possible...

750mg suss250 (10 weeks) Mon Wed Fri
200mg deca200 (9 weeks) Mon
30mg d'bol (daily for4 weeks)
0.5mg liquidex ( daily and runs through with pregnyl)

PCT- start pregnyl 23 days after last shot of suss250 followed by nolvadex
1. you bumped a thread thats years old
2. you high jacked this thread
3. open your own thread and make that same post
4. dont high jack treads

enjoy ology