Tamoxifen - Gyno


New member
Im running a cycle of 10 week of Sus250 - Deca - D-Bol.

This is my third week and im feeling that my chest is becoming more puffy.

Could it be gyno? Can anybody tell me?

Was given Tamoxifen, What the dose of Tamoxifen should I take daily?

Do I need to stop my cycle?




Thanks in advance
Relax,,,,,and don't panic. What do you mean that your chest is feeling puffy,,,,tell us what is going on with your nipples?
my chest is so fatty... dont know how else to describe it... about a year ago, I took some oral steroids... and I felt a lump underneath my nipple and they were so itchy.. the doctors gave me the all clear.. ever since then, I put some weight on.. did loads of cardio, reduce body fat everywhere, apart from the chest.. now Im on my first cycle.. they seem to be getting bigger and not defined!! if you get what I mean!!
If your nipples are sore or the lumps are there then take the tamo. Id do 60mg a day for a week or so till it clears up. But if your whole chest is bigger its likely water weight.
mattd46612 said:
If your nipples are sore or the lumps are there then take the tamo. Id do 60mg a day for a week or so till it clears up. But if your whole chest is bigger its likely water weight.

I think it is more likely to be water weight. How can I shift it?
akhlaq768 said:
Im running a cycle of 10 week of Sus250 - Deca - D-Bol.

Dude if you are taking Deca, DON"T take the Tamox. it could make it worse! Get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Armidex if you can. Are your nips sensitive? Do they itch? when I was on a test only cycle I retained a lot of water in my chest. I freaked but it went away. My nips got sensitive but Tamox. knocked it out in a couple of days. But I was not using Deca.

this thread should help.....>
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Slayer said:
I have not heard this before. Is this true?


tamoxifen has been shown to upregulate progesterone receptor expression. there is a lot of anecdotal evidence, especially post cycle gyno where tamox was used for PCT.
for puffyness AI's may be the answer, but you may also need a dopaminergic.

AI's reccomend aromasin or AIFM (letro if you really need high level suppression)
dopaminergics (prolactin inhibitors) selegiline, bromcriptine, cabergoline
im thinkin of this cycle too

if tamox is out the question then wts the best to use..? i know B6 is gd if deca is in the cycle.....
macro said:
for puffyness AI's may be the answer, but you may also need a dopaminergic.

AI's reccomend aromasin or AIFM (letro if you really need high level suppression)
dopaminergics (prolactin inhibitors) selegiline, bromcriptine, cabergoline

Never heard of these, where can i get them? I mean GNC or is it something not to talk about publically? I have a puffy nip, took tamox 40mg for a week and steady 20mg a day for three weeks and the soreness went away..but the puff is still there and if i squeeze, yeh..gross.
Geez thats's gross, heard high doses of B6 are good...Bromo also but I think bromo has some nasty sides...best to read up
I use provirion, clomid, B6, and liquidex...not all at once, but take the prov & B6 ed and the clomid or liquidex when the nips even think about acting up. It might slow up my gains, but personally I'd rather have less gains than gyno.