Test/Deca cycle new member

Day 3 onnmy deload week and all i gotta say is godamn what an insane pump each workout hitting everything 5x15 as heavy as i can. Doesnt feel like deloading thats for sure. I cant go to the gym without getting 1-2 compliments and a lot of mirin hatin eyes lol so i guess I'm doing somethin right. Definately not trying to sound cocky just sharing. I put in a lot of hard work, my cycle has helped my body progress and break plateaus, i am stoked on that! I will try to weigh in in the morning and update on that
Just finished chest/back, yesterday was shoulders/triceps. Holy shit, my body hurts soooo good haha. Always switching things up gotta confuse the body, right babe?! Lol. Still sittin at 245, havent put on any weight in a month but my strength continues to climb and i feel good. That is all.
I am putting on size but not weight, i think if anything the dbol has mostly help me maintain at 245 being that i just dont get in enough cals. Cycle ends in roughly 3 1/2 weeks... yes i decided to extend it just a tad bit lol
I am putting on size but not weight, i think if anything the dbol has mostly help me maintain at 245 being that i just dont get in enough cals. Cycle ends in roughly 3 1/2 weeks... yes i decided to extend it just a tad bit lol

this is probably very true, especially if you dose most your Dbol around your workout timing and workout meals, Dbols nutrient partitioning mechanisms are fully taken advantage of
Today i am outta control, monday & tuesdays heavy workouts got my body so damn sore and hungry. So far today i had a shake for breakfast, then a chicken burrito extra chcicken, then grilled chicken tenders, then a triple stack protein style from in n out, a max roast beef from arbys and a 1/2 bag of walnuts... still have 6 hrs before the day ends holy shit lmao i dont know whats gotten into me today.
Edit: so just finished legs/biceps, opted for a healthier meal for dinner, chicken/steak with brown rice from flame broiler. Boring as fuck but it does the trick
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My chick got me a belt for xmas, finally used it yesterday for squats, stayed at 225, hit 5x15 and i tell you what my back felt great. Of course i took that shit off in between sets i cant fuckin stand when people walk around the gym with a belt on like its just another acessory to thier gay ass outfit you know?! Interested to see how it goes with deads. Probably get some straps soon so i can pull heavier i waited to the point where my grip strength is holding me back so its time. I have a broken thumb and pinky on my left hand that never healed right so that really fucks my grip strength up. Went out to a classy party last night my dress shirt was huggin my chest crazy lol lots and lots of conpliments, my chick wore a sexy ass dress showing off her traps/shoulders all the guys there couldnt keep thier eyes in thier fuckin head but i didnt sweat it. Todays my bday party no gym just margaritas lol good times
definitely get some straps man . especially if your hand is jacked up , you'll way better be able to feel the working muscle with straps and isolate all your pulling muscles more directly. I had reconstructive hand surgery on my right hand and lost about 40% of its use, I can't do shit without straps, but i think the working muscle is better activated anyways
Roush yea man i will take the plunge soon I'm just a firm believer on not using accessories until they are absolutely needed. Gainjin i think thank you? Slade i am having the time of my life i hope your cycle goes well!
Straps... The main use for me with straps is to me able to reach the isolation and mental state trying to actually relax, try as much as physically possible , relaxing all the other muscles not intended to be worked.

Even at heavy but moderate weight , an example while doing Lat pull downs, trying to relax my forearms, biceps and pull with the lat. I know you guys understand so no more explanation needed. Also when reaching a higher rep set and the fatigue is going all over the place I get to hold with one finger and pull from the lat. Helps my mind , muscle connection....

Straps are an essential part of my workout when I lift with my mind.

Haaa then feel and achieve the burn and pump in the correct intended muscle
Gib, Happy Birthday man...good for. I don't like them anymore :(

QUOTE: my chick wore a sexy ass dress showing off her traps/shoulders all the guys there couldnt keep thier eyes in thier fuckin head but i didnt sweat it. TE

Hey ya know before I married I was living with a woman. She was a natural blonde right down to those lill pubic hairs they used to have , Yea this was 60's and we were hippies. Anyway a fvckin knock-out. We / me were never the jealous type.

So at parties or bars I would love it to see the sharks circle her, ah haaa. Then I would go up and say " Babe you want another one or something." I was a 135 lbs 5'11" ...shit we would smile and laugh.

I never can understand the guys that get their pants in a wad or hand out shit when you look at their hot woman. Damn I loved it cause she was goin home wit meeeeee!!! :dance2:

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Well not quite :wackit: but sort of
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Hit chest today, of course... was feeling a bit off my game, I'm sure it was the 2 day hangover and just didnt get in nearly enough food today. Fuckin can't believe my ex had the nirve to show up at my gym today... holy fucking awkward! We had previously agreed to stay out of each others gym but she was trying to catch me up in there solo for whatever her reason, my chick and i were working out together, she was fuckin pissed, took a couple hours to get her to calm down. Fuckin bullshit.
Thanks 3j. Kept strict track of my macros all week, took in an average of 3800 calories, 315 protein, 335 carbs and 130 fats. Weight today 233. Been taking .25 Liquidex eod and .25 prami every night. Pulling 1 cc from each so 500 test/600 deca. Got in my 5 workouts this week, maybe get an extra workout in tomorrow morning, next week is a tough week I'm on call all week 24/7 ahhh the life of a plumber. Feeling good, little better than normal, more energy. Don't know if it's the increase in calories and carbs, the gear, the liquidex or a combination but my anxiety levels are waaaay down and I'm really digging that cause I've had really bad anxiety for some time now. Anyways so far so good
good to hear the anxiety is down thanks for the update :)
Yea man its a whole lot better than it was, especially now that I'm getting settled in and don't have that high maintenance nagging chick in my life anymore lol