Test/Deca cycle new member

Also i was thinking about switching out the dbol for the winny just cause i have never used it and i want to see what it has to offer, so i would be only using it for about 3 weeks as my cycle is coming to an end soon. What are your thoughts on that? Should i just stay on the dbol and save the winny?

Save the winny bro run the d bol for the Las few weeks your already on it might as well see it out ??
How you finding the d bol so far ???
Also i was thinking about switching out the dbol for the winny just cause i have never used it and i want to see what it has to offer, so i would be only using it for about 3 weeks as my cycle is coming to an end soon. What are your thoughts on that? Should i just stay on the dbol and save the winny?

save the winny , you've been on cycle for a long time with compounds like test, deca, and dbol, this late in the game your not gonna feel shit from winny. the only way I'd recommend a winny run in a situation after running strong compounds like test, deca, and dbol, is if you had to come off of all of that stuff cause you were prepping for a show (you don't run those compounds going into a show) and you need to drop all the bloat. You'd get off all that and clear out and run winny and var at the tail end to stay anabolic and dry.
but thats probably not your case.
take it now and you prob won't notice a thing
Thats what i figured thanks for the advice. The dbol has definately helped keep my strength up while i dropped some weight, noticed a difference in the pumps but i havent gotten any bloat from it, been on it for 4 weeks. Prob cause i just cant eat enough so i think the dbol is helping offset that. I am actually getting a lot more cut since starting the dbol. My chick was just telling me that she sees me changing daily, which is cool, and no she doesnt know i am on cycle but if she asked i wouldnt lie. This year i feel like i will definately be getting fuckin jacked i have already made such great progress over the last 2 years as ling as i keep up with it and get back to eating more i should be looking pretty fuckin sick mid 2017
So i have been ysing 50mg dbol the last w weeks, and popping 20 pre workout, thinking about upping it to 60 or 70 the last 2 weeks is that alright? Obviously if any problems arise i will go back to 50
Come on man... you have been around long enough to understand what Winstrol is for and you should know when and why to use it. I won't go over what Roush has said. But don't plug in Winstrol.

With all due respect it almost seems that you are getting more excited by what gear you are using and how you want more ?? or switching and adding ?? I might be wrong bud, but please don't get side tracked by the euphoria from the gear. It is a real thing in the early days / years.

You are doing good, stick with the food and training. Keep your gear balanced and train. Also get that protein juice from her ...:yumyum:
Heavy back yesterday, chest today with a quick bicep pump. Feeling strong, my shirts are noticbly tighter on me and i am getting a lot of compliments. I am very excited to see what i can do this year.
Hit up the LA Fit Expo yesterday, got to meet Brafley Martyn, cool ass dude. Thought he was gonna make me look small but i was actually bigger than him. There was an insane amount of hot chicks there, did my best to keep my eyes in my head lol cause i was there with my girlfriend and son, he just turned 13 so he was lovin it lol. Deloading this week hitting everything 5x15 for my working sets. Today was back day, bent over barbell rows and deadlifts killed me, my heart rate was like a machine gun, cant remember the last time i was this exhausted and i always push hard as fuck.
Hit up the LA Fit Expo yesterday, got to meet Brafley Martyn, cool ass dude. Thought he was gonna make me look small but i was actually bigger than him. There was an insane amount of hot chicks there, did my best to keep my eyes in my head lol cause i was there with my girlfriend and son, he just turned 13 so he was lovin it lol. Deloading this week hitting everything 5x15 for my working sets. Today was back day, bent over barbell rows and deadlifts killed me, my heart rate was like a machine gun, cant remember the last time i was this exhausted and i always push hard as fuck.

Bigger or taller lol that man has some big ass arms lol
I am 6'4 so he has to be around 6'1. Fuck yeah his arms are way bigger than mine for sure but i am just a bigger dude. I wish to one day have my body proportioned anything like his. Cool ass hard workin dude, it was super cool meeting an inspiration of mine
Fuck 6.4 your a giant bro damm I'm stuck at 5 11

Yah. It's hard being tall guys like us in this sport (I'm 6'4" as well).
I got Gibs by 8 yrs. so building the perportioned mass that some of these shorter guys walk around with is ... frustrating to say the least! Makes me jealous as hell!
damn, another misconception here, your a monster man.

Funny thing is i have never felt bigger than the average guy, til lately, my girlfriend always says i am such a beast lol i guess i am just my worst critic, lately though i do feel big as fuck, my upper body has gotten huge, i have a lot of mass to work with and build off of so it takes a lot longer for my gains to show.