Test/Deca cycle new member

Question for you vets, any of you used or know anyone that's used psl? Good gear? I'm going to need 1 more test &deca to complete my cycle. Thanks
based on your stats your diet isnt going to support your goals.. start at 3500 and slowly work your way up to 4200 while on cycle..

if you have issues with it i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section.. or if you want professional help email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com

3J's Nutrition
Thanks 3j. Kept strict track of my macros all week, took in an average of 3800 calories, 315 protein, 335 carbs and 130 fats. Weight today 233. Been taking .25 Liquidex eod and .25 prami every night. Pulling 1 cc from each so 500 test/600 deca. Got in my 5 workouts this week, maybe get an extra workout in tomorrow morning, next week is a tough week I'm on call all week 24/7 ahhh the life of a plumber. Feeling good, little better than normal, more energy. Don't know if it's the increase in calories and carbs, the gear, the liquidex or a combination but my anxiety levels are waaaay down and I'm really digging that cause I've had really bad anxiety for some time now. Anyways so far so good
Question for you vets, any of you used or know anyone that's used psl? Good gear? I'm going to need 1 more test &deca to complete my cycle. Thanks

I had good luck with them, they are a board sponsor here. There has been some issues that have came up with other folks but I know they tried to fix whatever it was. I used their test-e and adex.

Blood work confirmed it was legit, test was dose on the high side as well.
I ordered some test e and deca through them for next round, only issue so far is the payment process, sent them the moneygram last Thursday and now they are requesting I resend it to a different recieved but they offered to compensate me for the trouble so that's good by me, I'm in no rush
Just about 2 weeks in, all is the same, still hitting the gym hard but feeling like the 3800 calories and extra carbs are making me a tiny bit more bloated in the stomach area. Think I'm gonna cut down to 3500-3600 cals with a bit less carbs til week 4. Liquidex .25 eod and prami .25 ed should be good enough. I ran 500 test e my first cycle on the same regiment with no issues so if cutting my carbs and cals a bit doesn't do the trick I'll know I need to tweak some things. Worst part is being impatient for these long esters to join the party.
Thanks 3j. Kept strict track of my macros all week, took in an average of 3800 calories, 315 protein, 335 carbs and 130 fats. Weight today 233. Been taking .25 Liquidex eod and .25 prami every night. Pulling 1 cc from each so 500 test/600 deca. Got in my 5 workouts this week, maybe get an extra workout in tomorrow morning, next week is a tough week I'm on call all week 24/7 ahhh the life of a plumber. Feeling good, little better than normal, more energy. Don't know if it's the increase in calories and carbs, the gear, the liquidex or a combination but my anxiety levels are waaaay down and I'm really digging that cause I've had really bad anxiety for some time now. Anyways so far so good

And service plumbing at that...never know what you're gonna run into. I used to do that stuff years ago. Now, mostly bigger jobs. Schools, hospitals industrial type stuff. More recently started pipe fitting as well. Same stuff, but different. Hold a journeyman license in Washington and Oregon
Nice man yeah this on call week has been busy but still made it in the gym 4 days hopefully get 5 in tomorrow back day heavy barbell rows deadlifts and such. It's a tough job very demanding and never a set schedule but I've learned to adapt over the years. Goal is to start up my own thing in 3-5 years, got all the tools and equiptment minus the biggies like jetter/camera which will come with time and $$$
glad to see im not the only plumber/pipe fitter on here. passed my masters earlier this year and opened my own business two months ago. still working full time for another company and have to travel every other week but hoping by spring time to have enough work to be fully on my own. just hard to leave that cush salary where im at now. been pipe fitting chemical plants while out of town and doing residential and commercial service while in town.

best of luck to you bro. its an interesting journey when going out on your own.
3rd week comes to an end. Overall feel good, getting used to the extra calories which are giving me extra strength no doubt, haven't missed a meal or a workout no matter what. Plan is to take full advantage of this cycle to net some solid gains. Gear should be kicking in real soon, looking forward to that. Up 2 lbs to 235
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Nice Chavez I'm planning on doing the same within 5 years. Have all my own equiptment minus a sewer camera, decent amount of side work clients just nowhere near enough to keep me busy enough to rival my job at this moment. Best of luck to you!
Damn knocked over my bottle of prami last night, luckily there's enough left in there should get me by til my order is shipped. Week 4 coming to an end. Finding more creative ways to get enough cals in, weight still about the same, strength is going up at a decent rate, feelin good.
You couldn't pay me enough to start my own business.....again. Bidding the work, installing, paying the bills, employees quitting after I train them, payroll taxes, state taxes.. Collecting my money... Screw that crap. Made 6 figures this year already, unemployed now and loving it. 660/week unemployment almost pays my bills. Wait for another big job and money up again. Unless a 40hr /week job in town lands in my lap, I'm content building my physique and getting ready for my first show next year.
Nice Carvelli, good luck with that! I am of course just wanting to get a larger slice of the pie, man I tell you if I could make even 1/2 what I make for my company I would be sitting real pretty. I make real close to six figures but it is just not enough to own a home where I'm at in cali. I understand there will be a whole lot more work going into building a business but with risk and hard work comes reward.
So starting week 5 today, first 2 bottles down, 3 if u include the prami I wasted lol. Still sitting around 235 with putting down 3800 cals/6 workouts/week. Will be increasing cals to 4100. I probably should have already done that I'm sure, just worry about putting on too much fat, want to try to 'lean bulk' as best I can, without wasting my cycle. With how active I am and how hard I train, 3800 is keeping me just above maintenance it seems. Also kinda planned to wait till week 5 to up my cals again as this is the week my gear should really be more noticeably affecting me. Wish I could sleep through an entire night. Was waking up once a night after I quit drinking 9 months ago, now it's been 2-3 times since I started this cycle, most likely the prami. But if that's the worst side I'm experiencing I can't complain
Question for you vets, any of you used or know anyone that's used psl? Good gear? I'm going to need 1 more test &deca to complete my cycle. Thanks

If they weren't good they would not be in these forums, please continue to keep us posted and thanks!
Week 5 starting off with a bang! Sex drive is damn good... straight animalistic lol. Pumps are good, weight holding steady between 233.5/235.5 in the morning, trying to put down 4100 clean cals is not easy, doin my best. Haven't taken a day off from the gym in about 10 days, but don't feel like I really need to, I train a different body part everyday and switch up the routine as I feel necessary. All in all cycle is going good so far, I'm thinking the next couple weeks should net some nice gains as long as I keep everything up and continue to push hard.