Test/Deca cycle new member

All is good brother, no sides. Been running .3 prami ed, .3 liquidex eod. Week 10 of 16. Switching from test e to sustanon starting tomorrow dropping g deca at week 14 and adding winny week 13. Sitting at 244.5 lbs.
245 lbs. Monday was chest/back, Tuesday shoulders, yesterday triceps/traps. Today is of course an off day. Going to take advantage of the holiday and rest/feed. Pinned first sustanon today.
Funny story... was picking up some supps at vitamin shoppe yesterday, showed a worker a pic of NAC asking if they carried it, he must've thought it was a Web page so he swiped right and the next pic in my gallery was a progress photo, me in my boxers lmao. He quickly swiped back and didn't say anything. I just smirked thinking, I look pretty good right there no worries lol. Anyways picked up the nac for when I run any orals. What is an average dosage of NAC 600mg pills when runny winny? Will be starting at 20mg ed for the first week and taper up as I've never used it.
Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankfull for my Gggainzzz
Lol that's happened to me with the photos lol not at the sup shop at Medicare haha I'd take 2 of those 600s a day man that will do the trick I take 1200 mg daily all the time with milkthistle thrown in here and there
Oh yeah that's right! Side note... had a few family members I haven't seen in a Lil while come up telling me I look ripped, lol. Ummmm, thanks, cool, pass me the cranberry sauce haha.
I wonder how many strong bodybuilders defected into powerlifting strictly because they didn't have the heart to adhere to a strict diet???

None to lift heavy weights takes alot of will and you mental instability. I dont think you guys realise how hard and painful it is. My friend is training with a torn bicep i have another that has to crawl to the restroom in the morning because his hips hurt so bad. I am in pain 24/7 fucken miserable right now and still go train, you tell me how many people can do that.

Guys here complain about back pumps we risk injury everytime we step into the gym. I see alot of guys here stick to diets but will never step on stage or even make a name for themselves. Nobody decides eating clean is hard let me become a powerlifter, it is a insane sacrifice to be a powerlifter.
None to lift heavy weights takes alot of will and you mental instability. I dont think you guys realise how hard and painful it is. My friend is training with a torn bicep i have another that has to crawl to the restroom in the morning because his hips hurt so bad. I am in pain 24/7 fucken miserable right now and still go train, you tell me how many people can do that.

Guys here complain about back pumps we risk injury everytime we step into the gym. I see alot of guys here stick to diets but will never step on stage or even make a name for themselves. Nobody decides eating clean is hard let me become a powerlifter, it is a insane sacrifice to be a powerlifter.

That's the longest post I've seen you write haha
Your right I know a couple of power lifters they don't Fuck around but you know not everybody builder wants to step on stage and do all that shit man I don't really consider my self a bodybuilder not even close to a powerlifter just a weight lifter its all different like comparing apples to oranges
That's the longest post I've seen you write haha
Your right I know a couple of power lifters they don't Fuck around but you know not everybody builder wants to step on stage and do all that shit man I don't really consider my self a bodybuilder not even close to a powerlifter just a weight lifter its all different like comparing apples to oranges

Well i didnt paticularly like his comment about having heart to eat clean. Not everyone has the same goal and i respect all you guus for whatever reason you do what you do. But when you make it soumd like i or anyone else powerlifts because its easier to eat anything is far from true. My passion sprouted from havimg the worst possible thing happen to me and its my way of dealing with pain and sorrow. You have to be a unhappy pissed off mother fucker to do this shit day in day out seriously lol
By the way i have powerlifter friends that are jacked as fuck and eat worse than me thats why i cringe when i see guys bitch about clean is the only way alot has to do with the individual. So when they say steroids dont work without proper diet i know they are wrong.
Well i didnt paticularly like his comment about having heart to eat clean. Not everyone has the same goal and i respect all you guus for whatever reason you do what you do. But when you make it soumd like i or anyone else powerlifts because its easier to eat anything is far from true. My passion sprouted from havimg the worst possible thing happen to me and its my way of dealing with pain and sorrow. You have to be a unhappy pissed off mother fucker to do this shit day in day out seriously lol

Too right brother I'd love to do a bit of power lifting On top of the shit I do just to build some decent strength up but 2 Fucked legs and a Fuck shoulder and wrist won't let that happen
I give much respect to both, 0 to crossfitters. Lol. Lifting weights is the best therapy for us guys for sure, much better than drowning in a bottle or sticking a needle of something else into your arm. Just from your pic of your back I think you look fuckin solid 9er. And I definitely know people who can get away with eating almost whatever the fuck they want, I am just not one of them.
249.5 lbs. I may have eaten too much yesterday haha. Enjoyed the day, needed a rest day also. Today going to hit heavy. I'm wondering if the sust has anything to do with that super quick jump in weight... a month back when my guy fucked my order up and I ended up pinning that sust once I think I remember I jumped up a couple lbs real quick. Or maybe I'm trippin. Well it's sust/Deca for the rest of the cycle so we shall see...
I give much respect to both, 0 to crossfitters. Lol. Lifting weights is the best therapy for us guys for sure, much better than drowning in a bottle or sticking a needle of something else into your arm. Just from your pic of your back I think you look fuckin solid 9er. And I definitely know people who can get away with eating almost whatever the fuck they want, I am just not one of them.

That's it lifting is the only thing that stops me from sitting in the shed and smoking bongs all night and drinking half a bottle of burbon every night