Test/Deca cycle new member

if you want to put some weight on the scale and have your strength go up with it , you could go old school (as long as your estrogen is not already elevated) . Run the Dbol at 30-40 mg a day , do not up your AI though , in fact you can dial it back a bit . the point here is to let you estrogen get to the higher end (but with paying careful attention to it).

You'll hold a little bit of good and 'bad' water weight , your weight will go up, your blood pressure will go up a bit too , and your strength will go up. ALL good things for putting on quick size and strength (again an old school powerlifting way of doing it). just keep an eye on things like sensitive nips , way too high elevated BP.

you'll prob get to 250 in a couple weeks . BUT if your mainly worried about aesthetics and don't want to hold a bit of water and elevated estrogen , then the above is not a good idea.
if you want to get swole, fuller , and stronger , then give it a try

oh and dose the Dbol throughout the day , it only acts for about 4 hours

make sure you have or are already running caber , if you let your estrogen elevate while on Deca then prolactin can increase as well. caber will take care of that
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Thanks for the solid advice and suggestions. I'll try just keeping my ai dose where it's at (.3 eod) or dialing it down to .25 and I've been in running prami the entire cycle at .3 ed so I'll continue that the same. I went from 249.5 last week to 246 to 247.5 back to 246 and now 244.5. Like I said only thing I have changed is the switch to sustanon. The only thing that makes any since is that I just burn way too many calories between work/gym & sexy time haha. I will run the dbol for 1 week 30/day with no other changes and see where that puts me. If I don't start going up and the dbol is not giving me any issues I'll raise to 40 as well as try to figure out a way to get in more cals.
. I went from 249.5 last week to 246 to 247.5 back to 246 and now 244.5. Like I said only thing I have changed is the switch to sustanon.

how many Mg a week of test e , to sustanon did you switch too ? and is your pinning/dosing protocol remained the same?
Same bro I went from 300 test e e3d to 300 sust e3d

are they both 250mg/ml ?

keep in mind that almost half of sustanon is the Decanoate ester, which takes couple weeks to absorb and kick in.
its possible you may of just had a bit of drop in your total testosterone blood levels. which will creep back up over time with sustanon, or you can switch it to to EOD injections .

just a thought of maybe whats going on. BUT either way , i think you'll be happy jumping on some D-bol , not only is it fast acting , its a feel good compound as well
Yes to the 250 q. I thought about that also. I have a bottle of prop. I could add to the sust to me sure my current test levels stay up till the longer esters kick in. Like add 1/2 ml prop to it so the sust has 110 prop instead of 60? Or is that just over complicating shit
if its been a couple weeks already , I'd just keep doing what your doing and just add the dbol at this point.
save the prop to front load your next cycle with
Edited... I spend more damn time correcting autocorrect I swear. I doubt that I haven't edited just about every post I've done
Just finished crushing chest, was feeling like I may be getting sick but sucked down some pre-workout and told my body to shut the fuck up ended up being a great workout. Off to feed, do a side job to make a Lil extra Xmas moolah. Gainjin i man up every fuckin day of my life, I will try to add some calories even though I'm full as fuck eating every 2 hrs as it is 5-6 meals 2-3 shakes. Dick.
Just finished crushing chest, was feeling like I may be getting sick but sucked down some pre-workout and told my body to shut the fuck up ended up being a great workout. Off to feed, do a side job to make a Lil extra Xmas moolah. Gainjin i man up every fuckin day of my life, I will try to add some calories even though I'm full as fuck eating every 2 hrs as it is 5-6 meals 2-3 shakes. Dick.

Have 3-4 shakes. And two dicks.
245.5 lbs. Been getting sick the last couple days, stuffy nose/head cold. Still went to work, the gym, etc. Today I'm playing hooky. Goin to chill and give my body a break from work as it is a taxing job. You know my ass is still going to hit the gym though. Gotta 'man up', right? Ha. Anyways it's pin cushion time. Will begin dbol at 30mg starting today as well. Shake time goddamnit! Gonna try adding some dick in there a certain board member recommended haha