Test E/Deca cycle

Cycle is still going pretty good. Strength as well as size gains have kind of hit a plateau. I need to increase my diet. I didn't get enough sleep this past week so my workouts sucked pretty bad. I was doing 405 on squats yesterday and felt something pop in my right quad. It was alittle painful at the time, but feels fine today, hope I didn't injure myself too bad. Hopefully next week will be better. Still around 200lbs
Just checking in on ya cycle brother.
Nice updates, very informative.
Think we're in the same boat weight wise.
You were 197 a month or so ago and still only 200.
I'm always shooting for 210 or more but can't seem to get past 2.
I've run Deca a few times as well and am always on the Test, up to 600/wk now.
Be careful on those liftes too bro.
I was up to 375 for 6-8 on the squat and was killing the skull crushers last year and pulled or strained tendons in both that put me out of the gym.
Got too strong for my own good.
Keep up the posting.
I'm gonna stay active as well.
Hey Dude - sorry to hear about the plateau - I was there a week ago but have been eating like a mofo and finally am adding some poundage again. The thing that did it was that I upped my carbs and started eating 1 1/2 C of cottage cheese before bed - then i had 3 nights of bad sleep so ate another meal at 2am or 3 am. Hahahaha - didn't plan that but seemed to work. i am getting some fat around the belly tho - hope that is easy to cut in Dec. - you know LIFO - Last in first out! hahahaha

Watch out for that quad, bro but try to get in some totally different exercises to shake things up. Check out the DC method - i think there is a sticky for it by Milkdascow. You have about 3 more weeks? You might also try dbol at the end - you can take it past the Test and stop the day you start PCT. BTW decided not to mess with the deca at the end of my cycle.

Good luck bro! go eat!
Cycle is still going pretty good. Strength as well as size gains have kind of hit a plateau.

Had that happen to me on my last cycle of Sustanon (sust) and equipoise. Ran the cycle for about 14 weeks and hit a plateau over half way through...then I just added some anavar and then finished off with some halo...that took care of it ;)
Had that happen to me on my last cycle of Sustanon (sust) and equipoise. Ran the cycle for about 14 weeks and hit a plateau over half way through...then I just added some anavar and then finished off with some halo...that took care of it ;)

Hey Big 12;

What is Halo? Did you find you made more gains after you added that and the Var?
I started my anavar yesterday. I'm going to run it 60mg/day for the last 4weeks maybe 5. I got a compliment from a guy at the gym, he said I looked really lean and looked like I was around 215.
We running the exact same cycle! I am on anavar as well(just started)
I started my anavar yesterday. I'm going to run it 60mg/day for the last 4weeks maybe 5. I got a compliment from a guy at the gym, he said I looked really lean and looked like I was around 215.

Cool - U going to take it till u start PCT? I will be interested to hear how you like it. Do you take it 4 times a day like the d-bol? It will be interesting to see if you gain much water weight with it too. I bet you'll be a monster by the end of Nov! have fun dude!

FYI - I strained a muscle in my back on Wed doing Romainian deads - so decided to take a few days of dbol (w my test) to see if that would help w/ speedy recovery. Took it wed eve, & Thursday (about 70mg total) and i gained 4 lbs in 36 hours - I'm sure all water - funny damn stuff!
The recommended dosage for Anavar (var) is .125 mg per pound...I think 60mg might be a bit high bro. But of course its all up to you!
Cool - U going to take it till u start PCT? I will be interested to hear how you like it. Do you take it 4 times a day like the d-bol? It will be interesting to see if you gain much water weight with it too. I bet you'll be a monster by the end of Nov! have fun dude!

FYI - I strained a muscle in my back on Wed doing Romainian deads - so decided to take a few days of dbol (w my test) to see if that would help w/ speedy recovery. Took it wed eve, & Thursday (about 70mg total) and i gained 4 lbs in 36 hours - I'm sure all water - funny damn stuff!

I've been splitting the dosage up and taking with breakfast lunch and dinner, and ya i'm going to run it up until I start pct. I don't think taking the d-bol will help you heal faster, but it sure will put some water on you haha. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
The recommended dosage for Anavar (var) is .125 mg per pound...I think 60mg might be a bit high bro. But of course its all up to you!

I'm not disagreeing with you by any means, but where did you find the info on calculating the dosage?
A mod on this site stated it in a previous post. I will try and find his name and post for you.
Cant find the exact post but... mranak is the one who stated this. You can pm him if ya want.
weighing 202 today and feeling good! Well I have acouple days off work so i'm feeling really good! Today was legs. worked up to 800 on leg press. Calves have grown alittle, but strength has increased a lot. Also did calf raises, leg extensions, and ham curls. I think I need to buy some new scrubs. I wear medium in the pants, fits fine in the waist but my ass and legs have grown, I'm afraid they are going to rip whenever I bend over:worried:
^^^^^ hahahahaha - good post dude! don't rip those scrubs - or at least if you do, plan it with a cute nurse behind u! Have u measured your calves - how much u add? Are u doing the 75 rep sets? i got 2 sets of 50 and 1 of 75 in today! - they feel massive when I'm done but so far little change.... 800 on the LP is awsome - whats that 9 plates on a side? Brolic dude!
^^^^^ hahahahaha - good post dude! don't rip those scrubs - or at least if you do, plan it with a cute nurse behind u! Have u measured your calves - how much u add? Are u doing the 75 rep sets? i got 2 sets of 50 and 1 of 75 in today! - they feel massive when I'm done but so far little change.... 800 on the LP is awsome - whats that 9 plates on a side? Brolic dude!

haha thanks man. calves are up around a quarter inch, i'm happy with that. I'm still doing the 75 rep sets. I just do one set of 75 per leg workout, i've been trying to make it to 100 reps but calves are shot before I can make it. I put 2 100lb plates and then 4 45lbs and 2 10lbs on each side. I've gone to 820 before, but just wasn't feeling it today.
The recommended dosage for Anavar (var) is .125 mg per pound...I think 60mg might be a bit high bro. But of course its all up to you!

Cant find the exact post but... mranak is the one who stated this. You can pm him if ya want.

Thanks for the credit, but I'd be surprised if I ever said that.

The 60mg dose of Oxandrolone (ana Anavar (var) ) mentioned is a very reasonable dose.

One thing of note is that Oxandrolone IS hard on the liver which seems to be ignored or thought untrue on most forums on the Internet. When I was using Oxandrolone (probably closer to 100mg/day though) my liver enzymes went up a good bit. I can't remember how much but it was at least twice the top of the normal range.

I now take LIV-A-NEW (from puritan.com using whatever coupon I can find through google) and milk thistle (available everywhere) ... I don't know if they help but my liver enzymes are better than I've even seen them and they are cheap and my liver is important to me. lol.
Thanks for the credit, but I'd be surprised if I ever said that.

The 60mg dose of Oxandrolone (ana Anavar (var) ) mentioned is a very reasonable dose.

One thing of note is that Oxandrolone IS hard on the liver which seems to be ignored or thought untrue on most forums on the Internet. When I was using Oxandrolone (probably closer to 100mg/day though) my liver enzymes went up a good bit. I can't remember how much but it was at least twice the top of the normal range.

I now take LIV-A-NEW (from puritan.com using whatever coupon I can find through google) and milk thistle (available everywhere) ... I don't know if they help but my liver enzymes are better than I've even seen them and they are cheap and my liver is important to me. lol.

Good post Mranak; I have seen the toxicity of Anavar (var) kind of ignopred too as if it's no big deal. In your opinion - waht orals do you think are worth the liver risk (or beating) How long does it take for the liver to recover?

Thanks bud!