Test E/Deca cycle

Originally Posted by jonk430 View Post
The recommended dosage for Anavar (var) is .125 mg per pound...I think 60mg might be a bit high bro. But of course its all up to you!

My bad maybe it was another mod bro................. I dont just pull this shit outa my ass lol
How are you feeling now D12345........

still feeling good! worked back and bis today. Arms got a really nice pump. My quads are sore today, guess I worked them pretty good yesterday. Still around 202-203. I'm looking forward to chest and tris tommorow although my left shoulder is acting up, I might go light on bench and incline.
shoulder is back to normal, however I hurt my right quad again last night doin leg press so that really sucks! Weight has been 202-204lbs
shoulder is back to normal, however I hurt my right quad again last night doin leg press so that really sucks! Weight has been 202-204lbs

Hey man - that suks. i read my first entry again today and i said the hardest thing will be to be reasonable and not hurt myself! - So i've done the same as you 3 times! LOL - I feel like a beast man and i could lift tons - but then some damn thing gets tweaked and i am reminded that i am mere mortal! Hahahaha - good that you are keeping the weight up. i quit logging food a week ago since i was eating wierd stuff (calories in Indian food, for example?) and my weight has gone down. So keep up with the good diet and lift around the injury - go for exercises that isolate different groups while the quad is healing.

(Nice thing about the juice is that you will heal super fast!)

Later bro!
Hey lean, Remember it's not always about the plates on the bar. You can gain size by really smoking any given body part by slow e-centric and a-centric motions. I'm a bit older and check my ego at the gym door. My joints hurt too much from when I was younger and wanting to prove myself to others in the gym. Form goes a long way , ever see someone do swing curls?:laugh: Try standing there not moving anything but your bi's when you curl. I mean really strict form and you'll be curling what you might think your girl-friend could do. Just try it , it's less stress on joints and you WILL grow!
Good Luck bro
I beleive that 100%. All my lifts are controlled through the whole range of motion. When I was doing squats and I injured myself the first time my form was off, and now this 2nd time I don't think I let myself fully recover, just have to take some time off from lifting heavy with my legs.
Hey lean, Remember it's not always about the plates on the bar. You can gain size by really smoking any given body part by slow e-centric and a-centric motions. I'm a bit older and check my ego at the gym door. My joints hurt too much from when I was younger and wanting to prove myself to others in the gym. Form goes a long way , ever see someone do swing curls?:laugh: Try standing there not moving anything but your bi's when you curl. I mean really strict form and you'll be curling what you might think your girl-friend could do. Just try it , it's less stress on joints and you WILL grow!
Good Luck bro

hey Ozzy;

Good call - i check my ego at the door too but then I look down and he's standing there between my feet sayin "What's up with the pussy weight, bro?" Hahahaha - In truth i shift from trying to impress myself to trying not to trash my bod. I am an older dude too and don't want to fuck things up for later on down the road. Can you tell me what a-centric is, or a link?

At this point i def want to grow not just "tone up" - every body assumes that if you're over 40 you just want to "shape up" to look good on the golf course - Fvck that! - i want to scare the teenage boys dating my daughter! hahaha
later bro
E-centric is the negative movement (down during a curl) and a-centric a postive movement(up motion) . I think thats how it is :dunno: I could have it backward as I think I'm getting alzhiemers early:laugh:
hey guys, well i'm 203 today, this past weekend I was 205-206, I hope I don't lose too much when I start my post cycle therapy (pct). Did chest/tris today, I did my 3 warm up sets on bench then:245x8, 265x7, 275x6, 300x4, 300x4. I think I could have done 315 but my left shoulder started bothering me so I stopped at 300. Incline went ok. 225x8, 235x7, 245x5, then I did some cable flys, I always like those, they give me a good pump. I did 3 sets of one-arm push downs with 100lbs, 4 sets of v-bar push downs worked to 210lbs. My elbow has been bothering me when I do skull crushers, I do them with the ez bar, just had 35s on today, but I got 3 sets of 10. I ended with kickbacks, those get my tris really pumped. My cycle is coming close to ending, I happy with the gains I've made, but I always wish I could do better.
buddy dont be so hard on yourself ..i bet you look in the mirror and say fuck i look and feel small ...BUT....to others you look fukn big...we are never satisfied with the work we put into ourselves .....but bro...well done ....thumbs up...
buddy dont be so hard on yourself ..i bet you look in the mirror and say fuck i look and feel small ...BUT....to others you look fukn big...we are never satisfied with the work we put into ourselves .....but bro...well done ....thumbs up...

Thanks bro, I really appreciate it! Haha I wish I would have ran the EQ now instead of the deca.
Hey man;
Nice workout - 300's look good! I am in agreement with Sean - brolic effort on your part - great log to follow! Def have to do a before & after pic; that will show how well u did!!! 'bout those skull crushers - I have the same prob sometimes - I now i prefer the decline skullcrushers - seems to isolate the tri better and take the pressure off the elmo.

So how many days/ weeks u got left? you are running adrol too now?
Hey man;
Nice workout - 300's look good! I am in agreement with Sean - brolic effort on your part - great log to follow! Def have to do a before & after pic; that will show how well u did!!! 'bout those skull crushers - I have the same prob sometimes - I now i prefer the decline skullcrushers - seems to isolate the tri better and take the pressure off the elmo.

So how many days/ weeks u got left? you are running adrol too now?

I appreciate it man, I might try some decline skulls on thursday. I have 8 days left, I dropped the test e about a week ago I'm just running the anavar now at 60mg/day. I'll try to get some pics up!
It's ok, my strength has gone up..maybe alittle I'm feeling more pumped after a workout. I felt like I had better results when I was running 40mg/day of axio labs Anavar (var) i dunno. Geneza Pharmaceuticals is the Anavar (var) i'm running now.
Mannn I did deadlift tonight, haven't done it in years..anyways I worked up to 315. When I was done my lower back was having some major pumps, it still feels tight right now. Is my lower back supposed to be hit that hard? I didn't know if my form was off or what. I tried doing some light squats afterwards, but nahh that didn't happen. I also did some straightbar curls, cable curls and concentration curls. Did some leg extentions and leg curls
I hear ya about the deads & lower back - that's where I feel it.... I decided to just do ligt weights on the deads for flexibility and do other back exercises for strength. That lower back pump is a pain! Did you start w/ the deads?