Test E/EQ Spring Cycle

The one set that I do for RP is after the Pull Ups which are 3 working sets. I can't manage doing the RP sets with actual pull ups, so I do my last set on a machine that I can handle, if that makes sense.

I change my rep range based on how I feel for the day/how I've been progressing.

Pinning the tricep isn't easy to do by yourself, but with a small needle, its not all that hard to do. I would recommend delts, pecs, and biceps before triceps.

So you are doing RP sets for all exercises except pull ups? for example the one arm DB rows - that looks like 1 set of 6 reps - no pause - am i getting that rite?

Thanks bro
Day 18

50mg Suspension... right tricep

*NO TRAINING, had to skip today because I had a lot of shit to do, going to take Tuesday's off from now on
Day 19

50mg Suspension... left bicep
125mg Sustanon (sust) (only had .5ml left), 300mg Enanthate... upper right quad
250iu's HCG... belly fat

Day C4: Legs

Squats 185/8, 225/5, 245/20
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 265/10, 275/8, 315/6
Seated Leg Curls 130/6RP
Split Squats on Smith Machine 135/8, 135/8
Calf Raises on Leg Press 180/10, 180/10 (DC Style)

*First time I've ever done Split Squats, liked them alot
*Had an insane back pump that hindered my workout, really have to monitor it because it got uncomfortable during the training session

*All done with the Sust, going to be injecting Enanthate and EQ on Saturday's and running the Suspension until day 28
*going to be starting up Accutane tomorrow, 40mg ED to start
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Great log milky, loving it!

Can i ask your opionion on the diet principles Dante talks about? Large amouts of protein, eat what you grave after slam down the protein, carb cut off 6 oclock, only count protein etc... i know you know what he does.

I have tried so many diets in my life but never this one, seems pretty comfortable. Have you followed it?
Day 20

50mg Suspension... right bicep

Day A5: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Incline Bench Press 185/8, 225/5, 250/1, 265/1, 275/1, 285/1, 295/1(missed)
Incline DB Press 80's/6RP
Flat DB Fly 55's/15, 65's/10, 70's/9
Extreme Chest Stretch 60 Seconds

Nautilus Machine Press 200/15, 225/10, 250/6, 150/6RP
Front Raises 50's/10, 50's/9

Dips bw/15, bw/12, bw/8
Tricep Extension 60/13, 70/9

*felt AMAZING today which is the only reason I decided to do a Max Effort on Incline Bench
Can i ask your opionion on the diet principles Dante talks about? Large amouts of protein, eat what you grave after slam down the protein, carb cut off 6 oclock, only count protein etc... i know you know what he does.

I have tried so many diets in my life but never this one, seems pretty comfortable. Have you followed it?

I don't follow the DC diet plan for one main reason right now. I'm looking to do a clean bulk and potentially drop a couple percent bodyfat. I have found that with more than 40% of my daily caloric intake coming from carbs, I have the propensity to gain unwanted bodyfat quickly.

If you were going on an all out bulk, I like the idea that DC proposes. Eating what you'd like when you'd like keeps the calories high and the insanity levels low.

With that being said, in general, I eat a lot of protein (probably around 400g a day) and fill in the rest of my calories split between fat and carbs. I eat clean and if my body is craving something, I try and eat a clean alternative to what I really want.
Day 21

MISSED INJECTION... had a long day and got busy with shit

*the long esters of the Sustanon (sust) are fully kicked in and I'm feeling AWESOME
*think I'm going to pulse the Suspension for 2 more weeks, so I'm only going to be using it 4x a week...
*haven't noticed any dryness in the skin or anything from the Accutane, didn't think anything was going to happen this quickly, but I will be monitoring it very closely
Day 22

375mg Enanthate, 300mg EQ... upper left quad

*slept like shit last night and felt sluggish all day, hopefully I will feel better tomorrow
Hey milk - great to hear you are feelin good - what will be the advantage of pulse for the sus? and what are u taking the accutane for? Dose?
Thanks - good luck bro!
MISSED INJECTION... had a long day and got busy with shit

*the long esters of the Sustanon (sust) are fully kicked in and I'm feeling AWESOME
*think I'm going to pulse the Suspension for 2 more weeks, so I'm only going to be using it 4x a week...
*haven't noticed any dryness in the skin or anything from the Accutane, didn't think anything was going to happen this quickly, but I will be monitoring it very closely
Hey milk - great to hear you are feelin good - what will be the advantage of pulse for the sus? and what are u taking the accutane for? Dose?
Thanks - good luck bro!

Now that the longer esters of the Sustanon (sust) are kicked in and I will be using Enanthate for the rest of the cycle, I don't need to use the Suspension anymore as a kick start. I will be pulsing it for the next 2 weeks to give me the little bit of an edge that a pre workout Suspension injection gives. Not to mention it will raise my Test levels higher 4 of the 7 days of a week, hopefully resulting in increased gains.

The Accutane is for acne that has plagued me since puberty. I'm taking 40mg/day for at least 4 weeks and potentially more if it doesn't clear up properly.
Day 23

60mg Suspension... left delt
250iu's HCG... belly fat

weighed 240 this morning

Day B5: Back, Biceps

Lat Pull Downs 150/10, 200/5, 200/5, 200/17, 140/7RP
Smith Machine Bent Over Rows 185/12, 225/10, 275/8, 225/20
One Arm Cable Rows (Low to High) 150/12, 150/12, 150/12
Lat Pull Down w/ Wide Chin Up Grip 140/6RP

Straight Bar Curls 85/12, 105/9
One Arm Preacher Curls 40/10, 45/8
Pin Wheel Curls 65's/10, 65's/8

*felt good but I had to rush the workout in order to get everything done pre-Superbowl
Day 24

60mg Suspension... right delt

Day C5: Legs, Abs

Smith Machine Hack Squats 225/5, 245/5, 275/5, 295/5
Leg Extensions 170/10RP, 170/8RP, 170/8RP

Stiff Leg DB Deadlifts 100's/12, 100's/12, 100's/12
Seated Leg Curls 120/8RP

Calf Press on Nautilus Leg Press 250/10RP, 250/10RP

Various Ab Work

*felt pretty good, had nice energy throughout the training session
Hey Dude - thanks for the info on accutane. I'm not to keen on the acne recurring when i domy next cycle - i've still got some on my back & shoulders from my last cycle 3 months ago! and I had TOTALLY clear skin before hand - (mind you i am pushing 50!) It's kind of a bitch - I don't want to fight that again. I'll be interested to hear how you react. Good luck bro!
Imho i would have a litle acne rather then use accutane, my body really doesnt like that! Luckily antibiotics with Retin-a(sama as accutane but in creamform) does the trick.

Milky as far as volume goes, do you have so much when off aas? Or do you do something complitaly different?
Hey Dude - thanks for the info on accutane. I'm not to keen on the acne recurring when i domy next cycle - i've still got some on my back & shoulders from my last cycle 3 months ago! and I had TOTALLY clear skin before hand - (mind you i am pushing 50!) It's kind of a bitch - I don't want to fight that again. I'll be interested to hear how you react. Good luck bro!

I'd look into topical and/or oral antibiotics before I messed with Accutane. I have had cystic acne my whole adult life and that is why I have decided to give Accutane a go.
Milky as far as volume goes, do you have so much when off aas? Or do you do something complitaly different?

I don't really think I have an incredible amount of volume either way. I used to train with MUCH more.

In general when off AAS, I cut my volume by about 25%. So with that being said, I'll probably just drop all of the RP sets.
Day 25

375mg Enanthate, 300mg EQ... lower right quad
200iu's HCG... belly fat

*going to start running a little less HCG more frequently, in hopes that it will keep all atrophy minimized... I'm going to be hitting it the HCG EOD for now on