testosterone results after trying to recover from a 2.5 year cruise

yes i know, but lets be honest here bro.. 500 is shit for a 22 year old. it's below average. my 60 year old father probably is at 500.
i mean i havent even turned 22 yet, i'm turning 22 in a month. 500 is borderline low T in my eyes. and at that level, i'm just an average joe.. actually not even an average joe, i'm a below average joe.

Men who have medium to lower levels (but not hypogonadism) of testosterone may have longer life spans then men who have high levels of testosterone .. So at 22, you get on trt for life and live your life with higher testosterone levels,, just don't expect to live as long then ,, instead of dying with heart disease at 69, it will be 59.. Not worth the risk just to feel better in the gym now IMO
all in all, 500 sucks for a 22 year old you guys cant deny that

According to the Mayo Clinic:

Reference Values Describes reference intervals and additional information for interpretation of test results. May include intervals based on age and sex when appropriate. Intervals are Mayo-derived, unless otherwise designated. If an interpretive report is provided, the reference value field will state this.TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL


0-5 months: 75-400 ng/dL
6 months-9 years: <7-20 ng/dL
10-11 years: <7-130 ng/dL
12-13 years: <7-800 ng/dL
14 years: <7-1,200 ng/dL
15-16 years: 100-1,200 ng/dL
17-18 years: 300-1,200 ng/dL
> or =19 years: 240-950 ng/dL
TTFB - Clinical: Testosterone, Total, Bioavailable, and Free, Serum

And it drops by about 1% a year from about 30 onwards. 504 is well within the normal range of the over 19 year olds. I personally like to be over 700, it makes me feel better to be there. Adding more makes me feel like superman, but I would rather save that for a blast...which is what I am doing now.
500 is below average lets be honest, especially for a 22 year old guy, and i cant stand being below average in anything! ESPECIALLY my fucking testosterone. i think im gonna write myself off and call it TRT.

all in all, 500 sucks for a 22 year old you guys cant deny that

Why are you so confident that 500ng/dl is low for a 22 year old? According to the chart you are pretty much right where you are supposed to be. You TT should increase as you get older.

Well its obvious u were not ready to do a cycle that turned into a long ass blast and cruise, u are obviously confused on which route u want to venture, u don't want to be on trt or u wouldnt of did a pct after 2.5 years on juice
U are obviously young and the immaturity is setting in, u are thinking u are invisible now and are lucky u have those levels bro after your pct
One reason why they say wait till atleast 25, and have things abit in order first, as obviously u don't and give it another 2 years on juice and u will be on trt for life then you'll be coming here whinting again why u have to inject the rest of your life
Grow some balls, be a man, and figure which route u wanna venture off too, don't cry about it and then wonder later on when u hit maturity u fucked uo big time bro
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