RJ doesn't like var. Cmon bro
My plan was to run the Fragment for 4 weeks and then add test into the equation. Because I committed to a powerlifting meet early April, I jumped on two weeks ahead of schedule to maximize my gains for the competition. The combination of test, fragment, and diet has made a difference in my body comp already. 2 weeks in and I am definitely leaner. I can't attribute it to one compound or another but I know its working.
stop rubbing it in. as soon as my Aromasin gets here I'm right behind you fucker.![]()
Nice!!! Decide on a dose?
600mg/w of enan for the next 16-20 weeks. i am gonna do more conditioning work with less cals/carbs until we go to jamaica in march, then i'll up it when we get back. So that will give me 6 weeks of a lean cycle (whatever that means. lol), then 10-14 weeks to add some meat while staying somewhat lean as well. I'm also gonna try Wendler's 5/3/1 method to add more strength. You ever try that?
oh yeah, i have 2 bottles of Tren Ace sitting at home also. So I'll probably use the last 6 weeks to add that as well. 100mg MWF.
man this sounds so sexy. its been so long. I'm getting a boner.![]()
I like the idea brother. I think you'll love being back on and your wife will too.
I use a variation of the 5/3/1 right now, no shoulder pressing though. Also, I find that if you stick with the plan, you'll make gains but if you know your body well, I would recommend pushing the weight a bit harder. The plan is set up to make sure you don't over-train, I would work the %'s off of what you think your 1RM is for the day not your "perceived max" or "training max" or whatever the Hell its called.
yeah. his ebook is 20 bucks over on Dave's site, so i may pick it up just to have all the facets of the plan. Sounds pretty simple. i do like the idea of gains over time though. our old bones can't take the mega strength increases like they used to. lol
I'm looking forward to see what the next 6 months holds.![]()
You will definitely make gains over the long term and over a wide range of reps... for example, ten rep strength gains and two rep strength gains.
The problem is that you take 90% of your 1RM to find your "training max" and then from there you take percentages ranging from 75-95%... So assuming you have a 400lb 1RM, your training max would be 360lbs, if you took 75% of that, you are looking at 270 for 5 reps for your first "working set" on that day. Get the program, read over it and message me with any questions.
RJ sponsored by MaximusHRT? You get discounts?
My plan was to run the Fragment for 4 weeks and then add test into the equation. Because I committed to a powerlifting meet early April, I jumped on two weeks ahead of schedule to maximize my gains for the competition. The combination of test, fragment, and diet has made a difference in my body comp already. 2 weeks in and I am definitely leaner. I can't attribute it to one compound or another but I know its working.
just giving u a hard time, bro, i know you always have a solid plan. cool about the body comp - that's what its all about (and power for you) this is going to be an even better thread when RJ gets his groove on! ;-)
Thanks lean. I would like to keep this log going like this for a while, even when we drop the GH fragment and are solely running gear. I love having the motivation to keep going.
An update, I am up to 270 (+6lbs in 2 weeks) and I am looking significantly leaner. I'm thinking there must be some sort of synergy going on here because a mild dose of test never let's me lean out this quick.
thats good to hear Milk. i took my first shot of Enan yesterday and i have about 2 weeks left of Frag, so hopefully I'll have the same results you are having.
Wouldn't you know it though after Saturday's workout, i am having some serious pain my right delt. Weird spot, like rear delt to top of tricep. Feels different. Anyway, will be taking time off until its 100%. This happened earlier last week after my weighted pull ups session, just not as bad. Wondering if thats it, or if it was that combined with teh 100 DB swings.
Sucks getting old. I need to just lift heavy and pusgh a prowler around a couple times a week. This MetCon shit is gonna kill me!!
I've noticed the heavier I lift and the bigger I get, the more kinks, etc I get during the week. It makes sense but that's what I attribute it to for sure. I think swinging a 100lb DB is nuts. Be careful with that crap.
Hit the Tren last night. Feels like I have lead in my ass now. It's brutal lol.
And of course... I'm getting sick mid training cycle before my first powerlifting meet. Let's hope I can get through this quickly.