the nasty stuff we put in our bodies


Super Moderator
you know how you tell these 150lb fucker to go eat mcdonalds??

this picture is from a doctors office... it was taken this last week.. yes the dates on the picture next to the foods are correct.. the food hasn't molded.. it hasn't changes shape or size.. it hasn't decayed.... this is what we are putting in our bodies

So in a sense your saying is if this is all we eat its better than GH for anti aging cause we will be presved? LMAO

Hard2Gain, Those are Chicken nuggets mad of Chihuahua meat!
Box on the right looks like chicken nuggets. I think the pupose for this is to show you that processed food doesn't rot or break down like real food or unprocessed food will so in sense it makes your body work a lot harder to break down the food.

Pretty fucking desgusting
I would expect it from the fries, Im sure we have all found that old one in between our car seats at some time in our life. But the burger and nuggets...thats insane.
U should see what cows they buy at the stock yard all lame cows infected eyes hoofs the ones on there death beds. They lie on the commercial it not the one grazing in the fields all nice and healthy. Its the last place ill eat.
U should see what cows they buy at the stock yard all lame cows infected eyes hoofs the ones on there death beds. They lie on the commercial it not the one grazing in the fields all nice and healthy. Its the last place ill eat.

Damn, a part of me wanted to beleive those new commercials they have. Other side new the truth though, haha.
Pretty effing gross. I honestly can't remember the last time I ate at that place, and that makes me happy.
i had it a few months ago because it was late and i was starving.. i felt like puking afterwords... its fucking disgusting
So fucked! Just watch supersize me, the guys body was breaking down, day by day. I'm all for fast food about twice a year but there are people that live on this shit!! Once you start eating clean and healthy, your body can't even take this over processed shit. I've been eating pretty clean for about 7 years now...and I don't miss it one bit.

I had had some very basic diet knowledge before, but 3J has shown me the light! lol. You da man 3J....will be back in contact for PCT.
So fucked! Just watch supersize me, the guys body was breaking down, day by day. I'm all for fast food about twice a year but there are people that live on this shit!! Once you start eating clean and healthy, your body can't even take this over processed shit. I've been eating pretty clean for about 7 years now...and I don't miss it one bit.

I had had some very basic diet knowledge before, but 3J has shown me the light! lol. You da man 3J....will be back in contact for PCT.
thanks for the kind words bud... looking forward to it