The Supreme Cycle for...everything?


1) testosterone is the natural male hormone - we (especially men) are born with it. It's naturally occuring in our bodies.
2) At low doses (under 1000mg/wk) it has the least chance for side effects
3) For a first cycle you should only use 1 steroid. This is because if you use 2 or 3 steroids and you have a side effect, how will you know which steroid caused the side effect so that you will not use that one again? Also, if you try 3 new steroids at one time and you grow very much, how do you know which steroid helped you to grow that much? You can't, only if you start with 1 steroid and each cycle add 1 more to compare the difference.
4) Not everyone experiences this, but a lot of people get "shut down" very hard from Deca and Tren. This means there is a total loss of sexual drive and you generally feel like crap afterwards. Like I said, not EVERYONE get this, some people are fine - but do you want to risk it? If you run Testosterone + Deca or TEstosterone + Tren, this will not happen.
5) Both Deca and Tren can cause Prolactin gyno - this is more complicated to fend off than any other gyno. IT requires administration of B6 and/or Caber and/or Bromo, which are somewhat harsh on their own.
outlawtas2 said:
Slow down and think about this for a second. YOU came HERE - we didn't come to you....then when we (educated people) tell you your wrong, you get mad at us??? Your not makin sense. Just because your are big and ripped DOES not mean that you know anything about steroids. And you obviously do'nt know anything about training/competing if your telling me that you do'nt even work out until 3 months before the competition? LOL @ U.

My picture BTW:


Ur a joke. wake up to yourself. if u cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen.

BTW i cant remember the last bber who won a pro show who came from ur country so please enlighten me
Durrah said:
thats ronnie coleman u dumb cunt. i know each and every bodybuilder, okay now i know what kinda people are you. losers who cant get anywhere in the sport, so u come here. im outa here. bye

Who the hell is Ronnie Coleman?
well let me correct you. you DO need more than one steriod for the first time, infact, for the first time, its needs to be on hell of a course. why? because first time users you have a base (a base is when you have a body like min naturally, so when you boost it with juice, it'll go beyond...) so if u have already a base, you need a good kick off, because once u inject oil for the first time, ur body is most sensitive to it, second time, ur body wont be as sensitive, so u wont grow as much, thats why u need to hit it woth something strong, but medium dossages.

primobolan and deca durabolin, and dianabol, thats a good first cycle, i just wanted to make sure that people agree, obviously i had made a mistake by coming here, and i do need a site where people are more informed with bodybuilding and steroids. thank you though. and i do hope i made sense of what i said...

and as for jacked, stick to ur own body, and grow up, ur all making fools out of urselves, so far not one of you dared to post his picture against mine. thanks though for trying to help. or not.
Durrah said:
yes, my physique DOES mean i know alot about bodybuilding
yes, but this is a steroid forum. just because you might know how to lift weights doesnt mean you know anything about steroid use.
man, park aside, i think ur display pic says alot about you. plus all i hear on this site forum is test. wonder why no one here has a respected physique hmmmm....

read the drug profiles oN THIS SITE.
for a kid who's only been lifting for two years weighs 60 kgs and has absolutely no first hand experience you sure seem to know an aweful lot lol. yeah buddy you're jacked at 140 lbs rofl!!!! pull your head out your ass and get out of here. Read all you want you scrawny dipshit we've actually got first hand experience and know what works. PS. anyone would look like you at a measly buck forty
Durrah said:
this is me in last week's nationals...under 65 kiloes, i was at 62.3kg. body fat under 2%, all natural so far...

That's not bad but I was 284 pounds and <1% BF when I started jucing. My first cycle was 22 weeks of 1000 mg deca and 1000 mg tren e per week. After my cycle I ended up at 368 pounds and -2% body fat. I highly recommend you try the deca/tren cycle since it worked so well for me. You won't regret it. You might also want to throw in some anadrol to make sure you get the full effect on your first cycle.

By the way, don't listen to these guys who are giving you a hard time in this thread. They are just jealous that they don't look as good as you.
jediclampet, thanks alot man...thanks alot...yeah, they all do have nothing to show, and its all just hatred. ur right, and ill do that cycle. :)
outlawtas2 said:
Sorry Durrah, but 63 kilos @ 5% Bodyfat is nothing to brag about. You can go to new jersey and find meth addicts with those stats.

Pls ban.

why does it have to be New Jersey, why not say... toronto? ;)
btw outlaw, dumbass, i said my body fat was 2, dumb fucker who shows me pics of ronnie coleman, and the people here that dont kno whim lol. funny site..
Durrah said:
jediclampet, thanks alot man...thanks alot...yeah, they all do have nothing to show, and its all just hatred. ur right, and ill do that cycle. :)

i sense no sarcasm here. i do hope ur joking.