the truth about spot injections


New member
Now this being my first cycle I was informed to inject only into glutes and quads by my supplier becauuuse it will give me optimal results as they are the largest muscles; however a friend of mine does injections into other areas to make those muscles stronger/harde. I am told injecting location doesn't matter but I have noticed that my glutes and quads are becoming my hardest muscles I am using prop idk if that relevant just throwing that out there, I am just looking to hear peoples input on that.
thank you in advance for your time
It kind of matters where you inject, but not in regards to more growth/hardness at the specific location. It has more to do with how much you can put in at once. Say you want to inject 3cc... Quads and glutes can be done comfortably, but delts with 3ml would prob require pinning 1.5 into each. I say probably because I'm sure you can pump in 10ml if you were hellbent on not being able to use an arm for a month.

If your new I would stick to that rotation he has you on: glute,glute,quad,quad. Once you pinning ED or EoD, say on a prop/ace cycle, I would add delts to the rotation.

You'll see as you grow that glutes will become very very hard to pin. Most guys here prefer the quads and delts I think, but use your glutes while you still can. No reason to add scar tissue to the delts before you have too.
Another spot you can use is ventro glutes, painless and I`ve being put in 3ml with no problem. Just make sure you know how to locate the right spot to inject in ventro area
Another spot you can use is ventro glutes, painless and I`ve being put in 3ml with no problem. Just make sure you know how to locate the right spot to inject in ventro area

Im getting ready to try this. Saw a couple pictures of how to measure with someone else hands to locate the spot. How do you do it? Im injecting myself all the time sooo...yeah. Can you point me in the right direction on that one? Ventro is appealing to me because my prop right now is kicking my ass! Does anyone have any links or tips on hitting the ventro glutes correctly?
Man I inject everywhere, calves, quads, delts, traps. doesn't matter where you inject for results, unless you're injecting synthol!
Im getting ready to try this. Saw a couple pictures of how to measure with someone else hands to locate the spot. How do you do it? Im injecting myself all the time sooo...yeah. Can you point me in the right direction on that one? Ventro is appealing to me because my prop right now is kicking my ass! Does anyone have any links or tips on hitting the ventro glutes correctly?

Sure Battle google this ( ventrogluteal site for im injections) look for a picture of a dude point at it on blue underwear. That is a friend of mine from here who has took a picture at the site spot. Many pics there but IMO that is the best an easy to use to located.