Thermorexin awesome!

I have been taking this 1 pill in the morning 1 time a day for about a week now. It makes me take one huge shit about 4 hours after I take it. Like it has clogged the toilet before I start to wipe. Is this normal or is this a bad side effect? I take haven't noticed any dizziness or sweating at all.
anybody puke from taking this stuff? I have been on this stuff for about a week now...I just went to two pills three times a day. I wake up at 530am and toss two pills down with a glass of water and jump on my elyptical for about 20 minutes then I get ready for work and have my breakfast shake. Well the past two days I got off the elyptical and my stomach was upset....I ended up puking all water with a bit of traces of the thermorexin in this morning I only took one pill and jumped on the elyptical...same result. The first 5 or 6 days I was taking it I had no problem... I read in here that some people need to take food with it....I was just wondering if anyone had the same problem as I do. I think I will take the pills after my cardio when I am gulping down my breakfast for now on...I never had this reaction from any other type of product...and I have no problem the rest of the day taking them...its just the dose in the morning while doing cardio.
I haven't puked yet but it does give me the shits just after one pill once a day. I am afraid to take more until my body is able to handle one aday.
I am interested in this product. I was wondering what people's results were when they finished taking it? Did you gain the weight back very quickly?
there are quite a few threads like these that contain results and follow up.




a few out of several hundred threads on the topic
chidoks said:
anyone use thermorexin while bulking? still got free samples?

there are quite a few people that use while bulking, reports seem quite positive in keeping off fat mass. Dont beleive that AF is doing samples at this time.
I don't think trex affects me. I have been taking 2 in the morning and 2 around lunch and I have never felt warm or broken a sweat. If i don't drink enough water I feel nausea but thats it. I have used ripped fuel and that stuff had me constantly sweating. Is it possible that I don't respond to it? Or should I up the dose a pill.
I have the same problem, I feel like I am getting nothing from it. I used other supps in the past that made me sweat and feel like jumping through the roof.
dansguns said:
No I never smoked in my life. Healthy 35yrs old 200lbs 5;10

very odd....the caffiene, yohimbine and synephrine alone (aside from the other ingredients) should have significant stim effect-