Thermorexin awesome!

macro said:
are either of you smokers?

I am actually an asthmatic, so smoke makes me weeze, I can't even second hand it without having an attack.

The caffine in the t-rex helps out w/ the asthma, but I can drink 2 cups of starbucks coffee black w/ 2 t-rex's and I still don't get warm or energetic.

Should I stack something ontop of it to see if that will help or up the dose, or should I just go back to something like ripped fuel that made me sweat and crazy all day?
water and carb intake?

as far as stimulant effect some people just dont get much, in the same respect that some people get little stimulus from ephedra.
macro said:
water and carb intake?

as far as stimulant effect some people just dont get much, in the same respect that some people get little stimulus from ephedra.

water, I drink about a gallon a day,give or take a glass, as for carbs almost 0. I may through some oats in my eggs in the morning or have a wheat wrap w/ my sandwich at lunch and that is it, so no more than 30grams of total carbs a day. Could that be my problem? to little good carbs.
yes, low carbs. Particularly if no fructose (liver glycogen) reduces the "energy" effects of thermorexin.
Macro, I have taken Thermorexin many times in the past, & wanted to know what you thought about someone taking it that has a very light case of Miltrol Valve Prolapse? Sounds worse than it is, depending on the severety of the case, but my doctor said that between a 1 & 10 my case is about a 3. 10 would be the worst case. Its when a valve prolapses & doesn't fully close all the way.

Hell, check out my post on all the things that I am currently taking. Its in the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) section.

I would usually take one only, & then go do cardio for 30 minutes. I love the stuff, it gives me great results, I just don't want to hurt myself.
Just got my order of thermorexin this week after reading your posts. Seems to be working pretty well, but not having near the effects u discribed. However, i do like it better then other similar products i have tried in the past.
macro said:

did the answer on AF cover all the bases with respect to your question?

Yes sir it did. I haven't used it yet, but I feel that I need to add it to my regimine so I can burn some of the excess fat I have. (Currently @ 6-7% bodyfat now, so I don't have that much)

I'm still pondering taking it........I should be fine. Heck I was fine when I took it last time.
RichGenetics said:
Yes sir it did. I haven't used it yet, but I feel that I need to add it to my regimine so I can burn some of the excess fat I have. (Currently @ 6-7% bodyfat now, so I don't have that much)

I'm still pondering taking it........I should be fine. Heck I was fine when I took it last time.

health and safety first. Though as mentioned you may want to get a second opinion on mitral valve prolapse diagnosis (due to common misdiagnosis- particularly since rating very mild)
My girlfriend and I have been taking it for 2 days now, her fisrt dosage was 2tabs 3 times a day and she felt fine, although her second day, she said she felt copnstipated. I had 2 in the morning and had a load of energy, took 2 more at lunch and had pins and needles on the left had side of my body, mostly on the foot and hand. Felt giddy and paranoid. Work out was great though. Gonna come down to 1 tab 3 times a day and see how it goes.
well i am thinking of taking this. I am 6'2 about 185 and about 11-12%bf. I want to get my 4 pack to turn into a 6. Just firm up a bit. Will this help me in this process. My diet is clean. I am currently taking super pump and just isopure for protien. will i have to stop taking all other suppliments? Any advice would be great.
Andru1313 said:
well i am thinking of taking this. I am 6'2 about 185 and about 11-12%bf. I want to get my 4 pack to turn into a 6. Just firm up a bit. Will this help me in this process. My diet is clean. I am currently taking super pump and just isopure for protien. will i have to stop taking all other suppliments? Any advice would be great.

no. its fine to take those with thermorexin.