Knowledge Equals Results
Hopefully this news clip will serve as a reminder for the next guy that decides to disrespect a female member on this board.
Just in from Senior moderator from Ology tracks down and attacks. The Dawg was caught in the act yet again abusing a poor little noobie, Binary.
This pic was taken outside of Binary's 1974 fleetwood single wide trailer. It clearly shows The Dawg as he approaches the residence.
Seconds later we could hear The Dawg shouting " so you want to post bestiality on my damn site do you" This was a pic taken of binary seconds before the attack as The Dawg was yelling at him. Then the attack happened!!
Here is a pic of Binarys wife and child as they witness the brutal attack
This was The Dawg fleeing from the crime scene in his vehicle!
The Dawg was later spotted outside of a lady friends apartment as if nothing had happened.
Binary will recover after a year of physical therapy! In the meantime this is what is left of Binary. Taken at Glendale memorial
OMFG ZEEK! Classic