To ANyone Who Has EVER used IP


New member
What can people who have used IP say about his stuff? Ive heard many things, ranging from painful shots to severely underdosed cyp. Ive also heard some good things though, like the orals are awesome and so is the sust
Lets start a list...everyone list IP Products that have been satisfactory,
and another list, wich is composed of the IP Prodcucts that havent been very good. I just want to get a feel for what others think and if his gear is worth taking
the replies are going to vary alot. depends alot also on the repackagers. ive seen reports on IP that were good and also some that were bad. i think with IP its a hit or miss situation. i say pay the little extra and get good gear.
I used some of the IP rocket fuel (200 mgs enanthate and 200 mgs nandralone phenylprop) was the painfulist shit. The d-bols , masteron, and Winstrol (winny) tabs are awesome!!!!
Depending whose company you are in could piss people off.......Put the best you can get and afford in your body imo.......
IP does not seem to be very consistant. Just because several people say they had good results off steroid (X) does not mean that the next batch of steroid (X) will produce simular results.

My buddy just gave me a batch of the blue 50mg winny's because they made him break out in a rash.
dbol and Winstrol (winny) have always been good it seems. Abombs are iffy, but I know a couple Vets/mods that use them all the time and love 'em.

As far as injects go, they seem to be good, but a bit underdosed... then again so is a lot of mexi gear.
Ingram said:
IP products I've tried...

Dbol - Gave me huge strength and size gains just like any other dbol.

Winny - Made my joints hurt and ripped me up nicely.

Sust300 - Good strength and size gains but hurt more that I could ever explain. (I wouldn't recomend his oils)

Clomid - Balls come back everytime with it. Tastes like shit allthough.

Nolvadex - Works just as well as any other type.

Arimidex - Pretty decent allthough there is now cheaper sources for ldex/arim.

Clen - This I havn't used, but I do have lots of friends who've tried them and they said it works well.


Nice honest post bro ;)
ip winnie was the real deal , i dont know about the rest of his orals but i wouldnt use his oils
Winny, nothing at all even on 150mg ED
Anadrol nothing at all even on 150mg ED

Viagra-works fine, nothing to compare to

Dbol-50mg tab, felt more like 25mg personally

I threw 20 tabs in my fishtank. It killed on of my goldfish and then my Oscar ate it. When all fails, use the fishtank test.
I used the prop/suspension, and was very happy with the results...............tried the anadrol and got absolutely nothing from it....not even a good placebo effect.
i never use IP, lol i know he has some satisfied customers, but the fact that i dont know what im gettig or the sterility of what im getting makes me cringe a little
I only used one product, superclen. It was kind of like getting high. First it made me hungry, then I became extremely tired. I might have gained a pound or two off that stuff.
I got 5 vials of IP Cyp. All had debris floating in them. I never bought anything else from the guy again.
Clomid/nolva/accutane/dbol good, abombs for me were BS. I wouldn't touch the injectables personally.

I ran 5 anadrol at once pre-workout, nothing.