To Tren or not to Tren


New member
30 years old
15 years lifting the last 7 doing mainly powerlifting
290-340 pounds depending on the time of year

I have done 4 cycles in my life. I have followed a doctors advice (he is a family friend) He has mainly advised me to stick to testosterone (I have done Test cyp, Sus 250, Dbol, Test Prop) This was mainly due to the fact I did nothing but powerlift and had great results with test and EQ a few times.

I have had a few changes happen lately, I am getting divorced and it turns out most women dont want to lie under a 340 pound man! time to slim down.

I have changed my diet and training style (mostly train for hypertrophy now) because for me it's about my own appearance.

I explained my plight to a friend who is a trainer and he suggested Tren to me. I have never had any issues with test so he said Tren should be ok too in modest doses.

Anyone with information on a Tren cycle I would appreciate it, In two weeks I am grabbing some Test E and perhaps some Tren. I was going to do 500 mg of the Test each week but how should I approach the tren?
no one will recommend tren to novice users. you by your stats dont sound to be a novice user by any means.

tren can have some nasty sides though so it is best to use tren acetate your first time because if you experience bad sides the short ester will clear your system quickly.

ive usually seen most people on the first time do 350mg a week. but for a quite large guy you might want to wait for some vets to see what they have to say. also it needs to be dosed ED or EOD
The gear I am getting is 100mg per ML, I was told 50-75 eod and then a couple of test shots a week, even considered some Masteron but was sold on the tren.
Tren is by far the most amazing compound out there. No contest. Period.

X2 , If u can handle it.

For intermediate to expert users only imo

Sounds like a good diet plan is in order for you. Get one from 3J on here, i highly suggest it.

Diet is the key.
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X2 , If u can handle it.

For intermediate to expert users only imo

Sounds like a good diet plan is in order for you. Get one from 3J on here, i highly suggest it.

Diet is the key.

I will admit I have some lapses in my diet but it has not really mattered with how I trained in the past. I eat upwards of 300-500 grams of protein a day and only eat complex carbs. When I was lifting heavy I consumed anywhere from 6000-10,000 calories a day, Shit I once ate 15 cans of tuna in 24 hours (worst Idea ever lol) The EQ really helped with that. With my build and height I think a "cruising" weight of 275-285 is realistic. The bulking and cutting required with powerlifting has taken a toll on my joints and digestive system to be honest, my goal is to stabilize my weight and look semi normal again, I used to have a neck!! lol
Tren is great if not abused, I found that the sweet spot for tren Ace is 400mg week or 100mg eod. I am currently stacking Tren Ace with Test cyp and Mast.

I have ran Tren Ace as high as 750mg week. The sides at that level are scary and didnt notice extra Gaines. Play nice with Tren at 400 week and it will play nice with you.
30 years old
15 years lifting the last 7 doing mainly powerlifting
290-340 pounds depending on the time of year

I have done 4 cycles in my life. I have followed a doctors advice (he is a family friend) He has mainly advised me to stick to testosterone (I have done Test cyp, Sus 250, Dbol, Test Prop) This was mainly due to the fact I did nothing but powerlift and had great results with test and EQ a few times.

I have had a few changes happen lately, I am getting divorced and it turns out most women dont want to lie under a 340 pound man! time to slim down.

I have changed my diet and training style (mostly train for hypertrophy now) because for me it's about my own appearance.

I explained my plight to a friend who is a trainer and he suggested Tren to me. I have never had any issues with test so he said Tren should be ok too in modest doses.

Anyone with information on a Tren cycle I would appreciate it, In two weeks I am grabbing some Test E and perhaps some Tren. I was going to do 500 mg of the Test each week but how should I approach the tren?

Tren can give some people some of the worst side effects from all steroids! yet some not too much.
just be carful with it.
and thinking to start out with 500mg ew is just crazy talk. you have no idea about tren.
I have used it a few times and ran many cycles and I WON'T use more then 400mg ew. normally around 300mg ew + atleast 500mg-1g of teste.

also if your new to tren, I rec TrenAce so if you do feel too much like crap and the sides are too much, you can stop pinning and it be out in a few days, where trene would be acouple weeks.

personally I pick trenE over tren a long term. but if you are new. start low and with trena.
even if you go with trene, try it at 200mg ew with the 500mg teste and next time try 300mg and see how this all goes. DONT start off with 500mg ew.

just my op
Tren/ Test is the ultimate powerlifting strength cycle amazing strength gains.

In your case I would NOT use tren. You cant do cardio cuz tren will kills your breathing. the compound has nasty sides aggression (going thru divorce might not be a good idea) and it shuts you down harder than just test. It increases IGF levels 400% and fairly toxic. If the doc is your friend and is looking out for you then go with his advice. If you want to stack Mast is better than EQ IMO.

I would clean up the diet, cardio try use IGF1-LR3 and other peptides GHRP6 and HGH.
I just finished my cycle of tren a couple months ago my man and Let me tell you..

WOW it is such an amazing compound, like I was never stronger and Id wake up in the morning with such a tight toned body, it was amazing.

Me .. It was my 2nd cycle and I was novice ... I give you the advise to wait untill your more experienced because the sides did really effect me physically (short term breathing, Lack of sleep, Sweating X2) aswell as mentally.. ( Parnoid like mad.. always thought my gym buddies hated me and my girlfriend was cheating on me, it was messed). So In my opinon I think you should wait because If your not ready for the most powerfull anabolic around it will throw you outta the ring so fast.
Holy fk, I never tried tren, but by reading these posts I think I should stand clear of it for at least a few other cycles, thinking of deca + t400 next cycle, probably throw in some proviron because it seems to give me rediculous pumps, Roydmonkey, you have any pics of yourself??
Tren is great if not abused, I found that the sweet spot for tren Ace is 400mg week or 100mg eod. I am currently stacking Tren Ace with Test cyp and Mast.

I have ran Tren Ace as high as 750mg week. The sides at that level are scary and didnt notice extra Gaines. Play nice with Tren at 400 week and it will play nice with you.

Hey bro Im running the exact same cycle
600 cyp a week
400 mast a week
400 tren ace a week

This is week 1 for me and so far only a little night sweats and maybe a little trouble sleeping but nothing too bad.

What results are you seeing so far from this cycle in regards to gains?
tren sides

i have to agree with branman, the sweats, shortness of breath, and worst of all the insomnia gets me with tren. the mental effects are not mild either. not for me anyway. fck I was hateful and
I've seen the nicest guys in the world turn into straight fuckheads.....kinda like me on a average day. Needless to say Tren isn't for me.

I'd run ACE in case you need to "get out". See how much of a dick you

I LMFAO at guys that think they are okay on Tren.....yeah okay in their fucked up Tren Train mind ;-)