Transporting Gear


New member
Hey I am going to Canada for a week for work and am in the middle of a cycle. Other times when I was out of town for work I would mail the gear I needed to my hotel (because I'm flying). But I am hesitant since this is now international and I hear alot about confiscated gear which is trying to get shipped into Canada. Don't care if the gear gets picked up, I just don't want to get in any legal issues.

Anybody ship there stuff to Canada before??
I Live in Canada and i know customs can be bitch. As long as the gear is for personal use, shouldnt be a problem, good luck convincing the border patrol though. You should be fine tho bro. :)
Put that shit in a 1lb lead block (get them at deep sea fishing shop). Try to take an X-ray of that customs lol

Throw a couple lures and maybe some line in there for good measure incase that cut that bitch open.
Im known for wrapping things in plastic and putting it in a shampoo bottle.Works for me with all kinds of shit.

yea well if it goes through the x-ray carry on they will see it. checked baggage may be ok.

be careful it is like gambling u wont get caught
^dave u da man

dont know what your running but it wont kill you to miss a shot and go 2 weeks. i dont think i would risk it. bring nolva in case gyno symptoms arise

just shot test-e before ya leave 1 week not worth the risk hommie
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I live in canada,just put pills in a advil bottle and preload a syringe and put it in you checked luggage.If they find it they will not care.If you only have a little bit its no issue to them.
Personal use is legal in Canada. Just bring enough in a vial that you will use up. Cause its illegal to bring back to the US. LOL
What about flying within the states. Ill be gone for a little over a week and don't want to miss any. Its Anavar (var) and test. I know ill be fine for a week without the inj, but since the Anavar (var) is daily its a little different. Thought on just putting it in another pill bottle, Oxyelite, D4, ect.
I've put things in a plastic bag, air tight, and put it inside a shampoo bottle many times. Not just gear, other illegals, realize its a huge risk, but in 20+ times I've never had an issue. As far as the car, could stick it inside the shampoo bottle too, but once I put the tabs inside a airtight bag and then taped it to the bottom of a bottle of fish oil(something that has a lot of smell on its own) and then refilled the bottle back up with fish oil, got there, poured it out, g2g!
If you have a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) script from your doctor (bring it), you can bring a vial and syringes anywhere in the states, and probably overseas. I do it all the time. In the States, the TSA agents dont even care. They have pulled out my syringes before and just ask me what its for. They are not instructed to report drugs of any me.