Trenboone Enathate only cycle

Experienced AAS users are telling you not to do this. Even myself, with only 4 cycles under my belt, am telling you not to do this. I've taken trenbolone already. I regret it. Why? It's such a strong AAS, other compounds don't seem to work so well. I've already had the creme of the crop, way too soon. Do what's best for you man. Get your diet in check.

Ok but my question is has anyone ever gain any good results from Tre?..n are the results better than a test only cycle?
My Bench press is 485lbs Deadlift 625 squat 595 8 reps neverd maxed out on squat
Have u ever took tren 200 before and how long it tooked for it to kick inn?
Taken ace before but not enth. Ace took 11 or so days to kick in at 350/wk (100 EOD).

Run a low dose of test with your tren to keep your shit healthy dude. 200/wk is all you need, it won't bloat you at all and you wont get any estro sides... you have to realize none of us have any vested interested in having you run test, it doesnt benefit us whatsoever if you do or don't, not like we make money if you choose to run it... its just a good to follow practice is all.
A tren only cycle may do more harm than good. Sure you might have awesome results while on, but the shutdown will be so intense you lose more than you had before the cycle was even run. Besides, throwing test in will make this 2x as good. I don't see what the big deal is..
and its sad im right really is.
you ALWAYS need test how much do people have to tell you. do test only and see how your body reacts. and get a fucking diet
i did test 750 with tren a 400 with dbol. went from 215-245 and had abs still. i also had proper ancillaries and post cycle therapy (pct). my diet, training, and rest was on point. the aas were a tool not a crutch.
I've taken tren a and test p cycles before. Test p at 100mg/ed and tren a at 100mg/ed. Some people say you need more test then tren. I had better results with both at 100mg than my last tren a and test p cycle with test p at 100mg/ed and tren a at 75mg/ed. Now in saying that, my first test p/tren a cycle I was much smaller and underdeveloped than I was before my second go, which attributed to my results for sure. Everyone's body reacts differently. Being a first time tren user though, I would recommend starter smaller. Actually, since this is technically your first cycle, I would recommend steering clear of tren period and sticking just with test. It's awesome and will adjust to the goals you want accordingly to your training and diet.
Put this in perspective. In the time comprised of human history, men have accomplished incredible shit. Every advancement made was somehow driven by a mere 8-12mg daily of natural testosterone production. And you're saying you can't do it on 500mg of test e/week?? That doesn't pertain to the goals you're after?? Grow some balls. I hear test helps out with that.
Fuck it!...Thanks fellas Ims grab test 400 next week and stack it eith tren soon as side effects geys too nad ill just drop the tren amd contenue runinh test My diet is good Vitamins & minerals are always om point....What should I pct.with Nolvedex and clomid or sumthin els?
what exactly is your diet? you need an aromitase inhibitor, a prolactin inhibitor, and post cycle therapy (pct). for yours id use both nolva and clomd. do more research first man or youll regret it. i bet you couldnt tell me a single thing about anything i just mentioned.
Put this in perspective. In the time comprised of human history, men have accomplished incredible shit. Every advancement made was somehow driven by a mere 8-12mg daily of natural testosterone production. And you're saying you can't do it on 500mg of test e/week?? That doesn't pertain to the goals you're after?? Grow some balls. I hear test helps out with that.

Lol u mean shrink sum balls ...I already.made my mind up ima grab a bottle of
test 400 next week and just run tren @400 week & test 400 week
Why not? I have already goten pretty good results with a winstrol only cycle wut would u recomend and why?

no offense brother but what results you got from that small dose of winstrol was all in your head. the only thing the Winstrol (winny) did was dry out your shoulders and cause that pain you mentioned.your results came from training hard and knowing you were taking a steroid. just my 2cnts.
alot more goes into than just putting shit in a needle and popping it into your ass bro. slow down this isnt a race to see who can do the dumbest cycle first. this is your life we are talking about. look up everything i mentioned in my earlier post and report back. if you can layout a cycle for me with proper ancillaries and pct i will get off your case.
these are the guys that fuck themselves up with cycles then come crawling back here asking what to do to fix themselves.... sad sad sad
Now its been a year and I have Tren 200 my weight now is 350 I only been on it for 4 days taking 400mg a week, im thinking of doing 600mg-800mg or more a week wut u guys think?...I consider my self a heavy power lifter I dont lift light weights.. I know everyone says stack it wit test or youll get tren dick!!.. I hate test and I will never take it so please dont bash on me my goal is to gain pure mass with 0% water in them I have BD Tren 200 will I even see any.good results? and my main question is HOW LONG DOES IT TAKES TO KICK IN

You weigh well over a hundred pounds more than me, and I'm four inches taller than you. That's frightening, man. What are your goals here?

Most of these dudes are bodybuilders, and so they see this as being grossly overweight. I haven't been around too long, but I'm one of the few guys who is really kind of unconcerned about appearance -- I am a lifter (although I focus more on oly's than powerlifting) and strongman competitor. Because of this, I think you can probably make some gains with AAS despite your weight. However, I think you need to be aware that fat is estrogenic, and the more of it you have, the more difficulty you're going to have with test.

Tren is not the solution here, I don't think (you didn't list what your goals were, or did I miss that?). You're an awfully big dude, so why not go with something like 750mg test e by itself? You're going to have problems with gyno, so you will need both PCT and something like arimidex during (that's what you get for having fat, man, that's how it goes) your cycle.

So, what are your goals? And obviously your diet is kind of shit, but what kind of shit? Are you getting enough protein in or are you mostly getting carbs?
Start off with running CArDIO 4000 gear you can take and it's fucking free ...the. Stack that with DIET 200 which the best thing is legal AmAZING