Two 19 Nor's together are bad? or the amount of 19 Nor's in total.


New member
If keeping E2 in check and running two 19 Nor's that are dosed moderately say Deca at 300-400mg/wk and Tren A at 75 mg EOD. Yes its two 19 Nor's but the dosing is rather conservative.
Is this any worse or better than say running Tren A alone at say 200mg EOD?? Or running deca alone at say 800mg/wk.

Of course also using Test and having ancillaries on hand and an AI.
I just did a similar cycle. Key is to keeping e2 in check. I used all long esters. Probably would use tren ace next try. For some reason I like tren ace better then tren e. Don't care for all the pinning...

I kept my test dose low. Worked well for me.
How low? I was thinking 600-700 mg (not low at all) and deca around 300 and tren a at 75-100 eod.

But the other idea is to keep on my 200mg trt dose and add in tren at 75-100 and deca at 400. Kinda all over the place between the two .

But I do well on 6-700 test and take my AI and keep everything in check.
I'm not mentioning my doses but a trt dose of test is fine. I ran tren higher then deca. Deca was at a lil above a therapeutic dose.
running two 19-nors has nothing to do with e2 and prog levels.. they tell you not to run two 19-nors because they are very hard on your system... and running two different ones is not a good idea.. even at the doses you have suggested
3j has a point. I should include that I do take nac for liver support and I don't do pct. On trt so recovery isn't an issue. If you are planning to do a pct, I wouldn't recommend that cycle. As far as it being hard on the system, everything is really. Especially orals. I don't use orals. In my opinion they're just a quick bang and cause too much liver problems. The gains don't last either. I can't wrap my head around quick gains with orals. Just asking for an injury to say the least. Not too many run tren and deca together but to say you can't isn't true. I would say running one 19-nor with a bunch of orals would be worse then just 2 19-nors with test. Just my opinion. Of course not crazy ass doses off the start either...
I run 2 19 nors all the time. I run deca every cycle. The key is this IMO. Just run the deca at a low dose - no more than 200mgs/week. This allows you the benefits of the joint relief properties of the deca while allowing the tren, the much more potent steroid anyway, to do the majority of the work.
Manage your e2 and have a dopamine agonist on hand.
I think 3J is speaking more towards recovery issues. I don't know for a fact if there's a difference in that regard, but as I'm on TRT - I've never really looked into it.

From just a prolactin standpoint, it's fine. Just treat them as one large dose of either and keep that estradiol at bay. I've yet to get a case of the floppies since I learned to bring my A game to preventing too much aromatization. (of course I do keep prami on hand just in case though)

My .02c :)
Yeah Im on TRT . That was basically my thoughts HW, treat the 2 as one big dose of 19 nor.

Jimi, I can def lower my dose of deca to 200mg, not a prob.

Tbone, I agree about orals, how about using a test prop for the first 4 weeks in place of an oral?
I've run cycles with two 19 Nors as well....Halfwit has it right: just make sure to keep your E2 in check and have prami or caber on hand "just in case".

In my previous cycles however, I also ensured that my Test dosage was at least slightly higher than my total 19Nor dosage...

It's a wicked cycle...I love the joint relief I get from deca combined with those massive pumps I get from the tren!
I just did a similar cycle. Key is to keeping e2 in check. I used all long esters. Probably would use tren ace next try. For some reason I like tren ace better then tren e. Don't care for all the pinning...

I kept my test dose low. Worked well for me.

Ya, fuck Tren E that shit scares me. Acetate all the way. Im running Tren and Deca right now, feel great, no issues physically or mentally whatsoever.

If you take care of E2 prolactin issues should take care of themselves. Keep a DA on hand in case you can get your dick up. Recovery isn't an issue as you are on TRT. But keep an eye on HCT and BP and get a CBC or two during you cycle to ensure your body is functioning properly.