Universal Kits is NOT shut down

From Mr U:

The real mr.universe


This is the real mr.universe from Universalkits.com DO NOT pay any attention to posts made with my original user id until further notice, I was burglarized between Friday evening and Saturday morning. My laptop was stolen and about 4K worth of supplements and research chemicals. My passwords to all of my user ID's are under the control of the jealous little bitches that took everything. I had to shut down my bank accounts and have lost my domain name to them as well..... For now. I have contacted the Tampa Police Department, Sheriff's office, State Police, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, FBI, FBI (Internet Crimes Division), Attorney General, Attorney General (Economic Crimes Office) and the Internet Fraud Complaint Center. If someone from these law enforcement agencies don't get them I will pursue the two competitors I believe are responsible. I will most likely be back up under another domain name for the interim and take the thieves to court for the rights to www.universalkits.com. They are using the name Jake Thomas a bogus name and WILL NOT be able to prove ownership. At this time I will not divulge the names I feel are responsible but if the law doesn't straighten this out you will hear about me in the news after I do. Thanks for your support and no matter what is said ALL CUSTOMER INFORMATION HAS BEEN KEPT PRIVATE. NO CREDIT CARD INFORMATION WAS REVEALED as it is secure in the shopping cart and that they were locked out of. Keep an ear to the ground, business will be as usual shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience security is now in place to prevent such an occurrence in the future.
Keep your head up Mr.U. The guys who did this shit really wont get far, maybe push the chem's on the street if at all. It's a shame that a hard working top notch business gets shafted like this, but they will get whats coming to them 2x fold.
Damn this sux! I ordered clomid from him on Friday night...so I doubt my order will be shipped if he got ripped off on Friday. The only prob is that my money was deducted from my account already! Is there anyway to get in touch with him about my order? Maybe another email or something?
My sympathies go out to the real ugkits, I know how rough it is to have someone steal your passwords :-(
Yup i ordered a 10 synokit from him via snail mail. Mailed it off the friday before he got his shit jacked. I have my syno but no kit :(
Yeah I really hope he gets up and going soon. I also hope he still has some kind of record that I ordered from him....I really don’t want to get shafted. Maybe he’s still beating the crap out the punks who stole his stuff.