Universal Kits is NOT shut down

I see the website is back up and running. Anybody hear anything. I sent him an e-mail. We will see if he responds.
Can anyone confirm that the site is up and running under the supervision of the actual Mr. Universe and not the ass hats that caused this mess?
fadedline said:
Yeah I really hope he gets up and going soon. I also hope he still has some kind of record that I ordered from him....I really don’t want to get shafted. Maybe he’s still beating the crap out the punks who stole his stuff.

I still haven't received my order yet either. Been about a week and a half.
I got a e-mail from Unikits today. Here is what it reads.

Mr Universe: "On the way tomorrow, I will send shipping details."
He emailed me yesterday and said that every thing was up and going and my order will be shipped soon. I just hope its really him?
he told me he would e-mail me monday with shipping details. I did not get an e-mail till today. I think it's him.. from customer service that all it says. Has date shipped and usps confirmation number so i can track my order. Hell i hope that it was from him. Shit now im thining it might be my TREN. DAMNIT.