Updated progress pics

i agree, teardrop is weak! how can i make it pop bro?

Add hack squats, lat squats, and walking lunges to the the front squats.

definitely chicken calves. although they are growing, and getting worked hard, they are still chicken calves.

Add donkey calf raises to the toe presses and heel raises.

Bring up the pecs more to match up with the increasing size of the delts:

more declined bench presses (go heavy with fewer reps), behind the neck presses, overhead pulls, and dumbbell flies.

How do the traps look? post a back pic.

Looking good, bro!
Great progress snigg
like it has been said work on them legs if your going to get on stage.Like RJ mentioned try hitting them fro different angles,calfs can be train most everyday without the worry of over training,that is the only way they started to respond.
All in all one of the better progress threads ive seen
lookin great brother...keep it up and hit that tear drop.

What week are you in? what are results up to this point? whats the diet look like?
lookin great brother...keep it up and hit that tear drop.

What week are you in? what are results up to this point? whats the diet look like?

not sure what week bro, i dont really keep track. just running thru a few bottles of enanthate til im out. prob week 10 id say.

weight is up probably 12-15lbs, and my diet is full of red meat, potatoes, pasta, rice, burgers, pizza, etc. i eat whatever i want and stay lean without cardio. im naturally thin so i can get away with it, i just make sure my BP is in order and get bloodwork every so often to monitor other things.
currently sitting at 195lbs(give or take a few lbs), 5'10"-5'11". On 500mg/week of test E. Just a few quick pics since I havent posted in awhile. Sorry for the quality. Critiques welcome.

what brand gear are you running ?
not sure what week bro, i dont really keep track. just running thru a few bottles of enanthate til im out. prob week 10 id say.

weight is up probably 12-15lbs, and my diet is full of red meat, potatoes, pasta, rice, burgers, pizza, etc. i eat whatever i want and stay lean without cardio. im naturally thin so i can get away with it, i just make sure my BP is in order and get bloodwork every so often to monitor other things.

hahaha nice! sounds like my kind of diet. On that "see-food" diet, see food and eat it...You dont even try to hit a certain total amout of calories?

I just went through the same cycle, my first, and had very similar results. Dont understand how people are doing the same cycle and gaining 20, 25, 30lbs on it...must be some pretty serious puffer fish out there.

How many cycles deep r u?
what brand gear are you running ?


hahaha nice! sounds like my kind of diet. On that "see-food" diet, see food and eat it...You dont even try to hit a certain total amout of calories?

How many cycles deep r u?

No i dont count calories. I did for a week and i was getting 4000 +/-200.

This is my third cycle. First cycle was a big learning experience on just how important FOOD is. Minimal gains on first cycle because I was under the impression that test was magic, and also came into a health issue at the end of the cycle(not related to AAS) that really hurt my progress. 2nd cycle was great, ate like a pig and put on some quality mass, and now this third cycle is going well also.