my gym really has adequate equipment for me to grow.. I will max this bish before the end of my cycle though. By then, I will have moved, and I wont have such expensive rent so I Can go join a gym..
As of now though, I have no room to even put any equipment..
regardless, there is a smith machine that i can use for bench/squat (Although i don't like to squat w/ smith) and a "V squat" machine.. the problem is VSQUATS max at like 550lbs and there is no more room for plates.. I can already vsquat 500 but thats max.. i prefer to rep at around 350lbs.
and as for the cost.. even if I could fit the weight set somewhere.. it would probably cost 10-20x the cost of my gear..
my best bet for now, I think, is just to continue untill max.. then go join a gym.
also.. my appetite has been SUPRESSED.. its so hard to eat.. i continue but I just don't feel hungry.