Were you scared doing your first injection?

That may work in other spots but as for glutes and me pinning myself... it's hard enough trying to reach around and pin your own ass.... let alone have to push harder through a smaller needer. I would agree with you on other areas and the scar tissue but pushing through anything smaller than a 23g in your own ass would be hard unless someone else is pinning your ass for you.
I still sweat the shots now for some reason. I just hate EOD injections like now with tren/prop. But after about the 4th shot I just draw sterilize and pop now!
fawk, pinning myself is the one main reason I haven't taken the plunge yet. I just can't do it. someone else can pin me no prob but I can't do it myself. one of these years I'll man up.
yea i was scared, felt sick like i was gonna puke, i think quads are the easy one u can use 2 hand, i got over it fast after i started blowing up after a few shots i would look forward to it and never let anyone else do it i prefer to stick myself, you should get over it pretty quick i hated needles but now its no big deal
Yes I was kinda nervous. I had sustenon preloads and the needles were 18 gauge 1.5". Those fuckers hurt.

I use 20 gauge needles to draw and 25 gauge needles for intramuscular shots. I think they are the best solution considering comfort, scar tissue, etc.
Funny thing is once you do it your like damn.... that was it. It really is more mental than anything. I use 23gx1 for everything but I have love BF% like 6. Just get over the mental thing the pain just is not that real unless you hit a nerve or have a bad injection. Assuming everything is fine and you just have a hard time getting paste the whole pinning thing you will find it is no big deal!
yeah bro i was REALLY nervous, but then thought fuck this, lets do it, and went for it, never looked back, go for it bro, you'll love it, peace :D
I remember like yesterday. I wasn't nervous until I had the needle about an inch from my ass cheek and then I froze. It stayed an inch away for like a minute while I tried to talk to myself. In the end I was like JUST DO IT. It wasn't half as bad as I psyched myself into thinking there for a minute. Don't worry!!
naaah.......i did my first of 2000 mgs of prop right in the neck
swizzoled said:
my brother fainted when i injected him. he was shaking like a mofo and he just dropped .....

I hope you let him know he was too much of a pussy to use gear.
It took me about a half an hour to do my first. I wasn't really scared, I just... couldn't quite bring myself to push that needle in. Then I was finally like "fuck, just push the damn thing in, you idiot, you already bought this shit" and so I did it. Afterwards, it was such a rush, I actually kind of looked forward to the second one.
Cunt Hunt said:
Kay bros.....start my first cycle ever this Sunday......and although I'm prepared...gear,PCT,pins,etc......I'm actually feeling nervous about giving myself my first injection.

Any of you have butterflies? And how did you get over it? I have no problems with needles at the Doc's but this in on a whole new level now.

I should have practiced with Vitb12 shots I guess. But I honestly didn't think I'd have a problem.

Man i remember it took me like a half hour to take the courage to just do my first ever injection...lol
It took me a long time just to push through. I remember being really cautious about going slow to avoid nerves, but wasn't very sanitary. Now adays I'm kinda like a pothead. I put on some iron maiden, lay back, and take a hit of the good stuff.
At some point, injecting yourself just becomes a chore, like taking out the trash. Just something you do with little fanfare.
didnt have any fear to inject, but since i had UG gear, i was a little concerned with my gear being real....
What I do:

I use a 21 g to draw the Test or whatever out. I fill the needle with air same amount I plan on drawing out of the vial and inject the air into the vial then draw 1cc or ½ cc whatever… It makes the thick test come out much easier. I then switch to either a 23g or 25g needle.
Divide your quad in half then go slightly outside to the right of that line. (if right quad). Wash hands and wash injection area with alcohol before injecting. I pinch the injection area very hard and then go right in. Pull back and if you do not see any blood slowly inject until the needle is empty. I then wipe the area again with alcohol and wait to see if there is any blood. If there is some, I put a bandage on for an hour or so. Sometimes I get really sore the next day and sometimes not. Even the worst ones go away and stop hurting after a few days. Good Luck!