whats the preferred gear of MLB players?


New member
just curious what would make sense for these guys to take. I'm guessing nandrolone for the joint relief? have they ever stated which roids these top tier ball players were taking?
Hgh, thg, winstrol, boldenone and I'm guessing, I'm sure they will use just about anything in the offseason, by the time they get tested all tracts will be gone. Some baseball will prop only will the oral form of the drug cause of the detection time (usually a few short weeks)
Hgh bc they can't test for it if I had to guess... Test... Primo...var... Whatever their source can hype to them and make the most money on lol
if i could guess
HGH, you cant detect it

and if they had the balls do it and are carful about getting caught id say

test prop or test suspension

im sure some of them do orals like idiots but o well, they get paid to play good so i dont blame them
hgh,primo was a big one..

on the mitchell report it shows who was implicated..but only says if the players were using gh or gear..no details

A-rod was tested positive for primo and test
Hgh, thg, winstrol, boldenone and I'm guessing, I'm sure they will use just about anything in the offseason, by the time they get tested all tracts will be gone. Some baseball will prop only will the oral form of the drug cause of the detection time (usually a few short weeks)

I highly doubt they use winstrol. Otherwise I agree
Jose Canseco likes talking about steroids he used and telling everyone's business for that matter, ask him, sure you could find his email somewhere!
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Jose Canseco likes talking about steroids he used and telling everyone's business for that matter, ask him, sure you could find his email somewhere!

hahaha, funny and very true. the snitch

he's got a website somewhere too