whats ur favorite midnight snack?????

mine is a penutbutter and pickle sandwhich...its the shit try it!!!

I have to back you up, that actually is delicious.

My fav midnight snack (or any time snack) has to be low fat cottage cheese and low sodium crackers, oh man I can only stop when I run out of one or the other
Damn dude I was hating on the pb&pickels & now the idea is starting to grow on me. Salty & sweet together is usually amazing. Throw in a little crunch....Faaak I give myself a week & I might have no choice but to down some.

Bastard lol

have u ate it yet man???...lol
I have to back you up, that actually is delicious.

My fav midnight snack (or any time snack) has to be low fat cottage cheese and low sodium crackers, oh man I can only stop when I run out of one or the other

i have a whole tub of cottage cheese, i just cant bring myself to touch it. but i heard cottage cheese and pinnapple is very good and great for putting on lean size....
yea man some love it, most hate it. 14g of protein in a half cup of the low fat cottage cheese, I usually have atleast 1 cup per sitting with a shake. If you get the right cracker it's great stuff
i agree-i put the cottage cheese on everything-with tomatoes-burritos-tacos-salad-it is my substitute for sour cream-i can hardly tell the diff sometimes
I take a bowl of cottage cheese and put a scoop of protein in it with some oatmeal and some Muscle milk or something like it and mix it all together. not to bad imo, kinda like a dessert.
As soon as I get some half sour pickles it's on. I won't even last a week and all this damn holiday eating ain't helping. I'll update once I have some
cup of cottage cheese, splash of milk, 2 tsps peanut butter and chocoloate protein mix mixed together. tastes like fucking cake and loads of protein, low fat (depending on what percentage cottage cheese and milk). I use skim milk and 1% cottage cheese.
honeslty when Im bulking.. which is always except if Im leaning up.. lol..

First thing I put my hand on in the refer...

Im not picky
cottage cheese and pineapple is pretty good, peanutbutter and anything is good to me really. Peanutbutter and banana is usually a pretty good one. Or apples, bananas, and rice cakes mixed up with peanutbutter and a bit of oatmeal.