Winterlong said:Yeah, JT, I usually add a few fishoil caps before/after my shake. I don't like the taste of flaxseed in my shake, so I just pop in a few caps.
My goals? For now to basically cut down a bit while keeping my strength/increase it.
very good post. you succeeded in making me hungry enough to get out of bed. thanks.rookie03 said:cook everything in first its weird cooking breakfast atnight.... you know another time saver... get ground up turkey and egg whites cook them and mix them up together...but cook a big pot of it and you got breakfast for 4-6 days... grab 2 whole wheat pitas and throw them in the microwave with the turkey and egg whites mixed in and you got a 1 minute breakfast ready to go.... cook all your chicken on sunday night... and you got food for 4-6 days...bring 2 tubawares to school 1 with 4 chicken tenderloins and whole wheat rice, and another with the same... keep it simple...then you bring a shaker with oatmeal and whey in it and add water to the shaker before practice.... serriously ify ou clean up itll only be about 2 weeks till you really start to notice a composition change in your body.
Winterlong said:March 17th
DB Overhead Press
**Felt strong on these. Will bump up weight next time.
DB Front Raises
**Bumped these weights up. Will keep these for another workout or two and move up.
Reverse Pec Fly
**I'm not sure if the 335 was a PR or not, but w.e. Squats felt very "new" because I haven't done them in so long ( one week ) lol. The weights felt heavy, even the 135.
Hack Squats
**These were really hard. I felt like puking after these, but held it in.
Glute-Ham Raise
**Very nice workout today. My shoulders felt very strong today because of the break I've had on working on legs/shoulders. My legs are still feeling strong, but weaker from all the conditioning. The practices have cut down the conditioning a little, but its still pretty intense.
diegothailand said:very good post. you succeeded in making me hungry enough to get out of bed. thanks.
Its the spring break avatar week.diegothailand said:your avatar sucks. i'm a bit disappointed.
easy on the heavy weights. you're still young. trust me.
Winterlong said:Its the spring break avatar week.I couldn't find anything better.
??? I don't see the problem with going heavy. Please explain?
Hahaha. I was surfin the net and re-found a video about "All Your Base Are Belong to Us." Here, I'll link you:tman55 said:oh winter btw been wanting to know what is that you got under your age and weight and under your online journal. it is white all your base belong to us? wat i that