Have you ever seen that bitch's face? Its quite the view. Anyways, I'm too lazy to find another pic, so I went back to our old friend, Tila. If you have any other pics, diego, send em over here and I'll change it into my avy if I likey.diegothailand said:we're here for ya.
now change ur friggin avatar to something more suitable.
Winterlong said:March 23rd
**The 335 felt heavy, I did not want to do the last two reps in fear that I would drop it.
Leg Extention
Glute Ham Raise
Cable Crunches w. pyramid bar
**First time doing these so I did random weights.
Ab Seat
70lbs x 26
Good workout today. I was very tired after the squats, good thing I didn't do shoulders today or I would've passed out.
I started makin the chicken breasts & brown rice & before I did this, I usually always brought a few home made sandwhiches & then I'd buy the healthiest thing they served in school. The rice and chicken has been filling & stopped my hunger pangs. I still eat my PB & Jellies @ around 9:50 still. I don't have the time to eat chicken & rice then so I decided to just eat PB & J. And the thing aobut the protein powder & oats prior to practice isn't going too hot. I tried it the other day and all my oats ended up on the bottom and when I tried to eat it with some extra water, it felt like I was eating my own puke. Wasn't a good scene. Either way, I ordered some Detour bars today.rookie03 said:do you bring your food to school, or do you eat what they got their?
Can you link me to the power butter? Also, I got really, really, really sick of turkey and basically all cold cuts because I usually eat a ton of them as a snack when I get home and I basically force it down my throat. I should try it though.rookie03 said:haha fair enough... if i was you id have a turkey sandwhich in place of that pb & j... or buy power butter...theirs a high protein peanut butter out now, its a supplement i think you can buy it online