You wanna see gains (PICS) Part II

lol - dude - u cant bump without an update! Hows it going? six pack screaming? chicks chasing u down the beach?

LOL...I started a new thread buddy "Wanna see gains (Part III)", hope you stay tuned. I bumped them all so that they would stay fairly close together that way it would be easier to get opinions.

I took about a month 1/2 off from the gym to let my body rest. I was getting burned out and got into a bike accident so was pretty depressed until things got situated again.

Now I'm ready to hit it hard again and get some good gains. I look fairly the same as before..not quite as ripped but my body always recovers very quickly. I'm hoping to accomplish in this next cycle some more definition in my bis/tris, largen up my chest, and get my back caught up with my body.
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